Random Jabber Jibber thread

You have a brave family :hug:

Thanks hun!
My sister showed up to the vigil. I'm really proud of her. She got up and spoke in front of the crowd. When she mentioned my nephew, the crowd began to applaud. It was really brave of her to get up in front of everyone and tell her story, which I'm sure, gave strength to the crowd. Gilroy Strong.

I got more details about the shooting and what could have been vs what was. It's chilling and a miracle all at the same time.
He had a drum, a 100 round drum. It jammed after the first shot. Amazingly, it jammed after the first shot. Yes, I repeated myself. After trying to unjam the drum, he dropped it and stuck a 30 round mag in and let loose. My nephew was running right next to the 25 yr old that passed away.

There's more but I'm talking more than I want to, but then feel the need. Thanks for letting me use this as a platform to... journal.

Glad to hear you're still here Sharky. Fuck.

I don't mean to be pessimistic but I think this is just the world we live in today. And it's just gonna continue if not get worse . There are just so many guns that there is no way to stop the wrong individuals from getting them without limiting the right individuals. And even then they'll still find a way. The mental illness is a whole nother issue aside from guns. In England they knife you. In Germany they run you over with box trucks. Fuck.
Thanks hun!
My sister showed up to the vigil. I'm really proud of her. She got up and spoke in front of the crowd. When she mentioned my nephew, the crowd began to applaud. It was really brave of her to get up in front of everyone and tell her story, which I'm sure, gave strength to the crowd. Gilroy Strong.

I got more details about the shooting and what could have been vs what was. It's chilling and a miracle all at the same time.
He had a drum, a 100 round drum. It jammed after the first shot. Amazingly, it jammed after the first shot. Yes, I repeated myself. After trying to unjam the drum, he dropped it and stuck a 30 round mag in and let loose. My nephew was running right next to the 25 yr old that passed away.

There's more but I'm talking more than I want to, but then feel the need. Thanks for letting me use this as a platform to... journal.


Give her a hug from me and keep an eye on her and your nephew, 6 weeks out is when the reality hits hard. So make sure they get a few extra visits from family.
Glad I don't live in Vegas!
Wow. That's a big cloud of bugs.

Not rain.

View attachment 4372656

Las Vegas pizzeria serves grasshopper pizza amid insect invasion
By Nicole Darrah, Fox News

July 31, 2019 | 3:16pm



“What started out as a joke amongst our stoner friends has swept the nation,” Evel Pie, located on Fremont Street, announced on Facebook Tuesday.The pizza shop said their new pizza, dubbed “The Canyon Hopper,” is for “only the bravest daredevils.”

The pie consists of chorizo, goat cheese, caramelized onions, arugula and, of course, lime- and garlic-roasted grasshoppers.

No thanks.

I understand a center mass body shot to be very effective but would not a 12 guage with say #2 to the noggin save substantial meat? - Or they too wary for a close up shot like that?
They hit 40mph in 2 steps and kick harder then a horse. If you hunt them seriously for meat you need a Ute (pickup) that’s 4x4 something you don’t care if it gets dents. Then you get alongside them when they’re running and a 12 gauge is the right tool for the job from that point.