Random Jabber Jibber thread

Good food. Bad ethnic jokes.
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Hey, now. That's got nothing to do with me. I'm from Detroit. Never heard of Captain D's, only Long John Silver. Is that chain still alive? Haven't seen one in many years.
Captain D's has franchise in VA. but none in my area.

Long John Silvers used to have 5 in my local area. Time has whittled that down to just 1 now. :???:
This saddens me as LJS is my fav fast seafood.:sad:

Image result for Long John Silvers meme
Worst was, order fish and get a drumstick

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They had that type of Monitor lizard on Guam, some crazy bastard caught one on the beach. He held it on top of a wooden picnic table and it started to shred the top of the table. My wife saw one by the side of the road when we first got on island, she said it was bigger than our dog, I thought she was just jet lagged at first.