Random Jabber Jibber thread

How many cops does it take to change a light bulb?

None. They just beat the room for being black.
Lol. You guys know enough about me that you'd probably be able to tell it was me playing. We almost never wear tuxedos, just all black. Occasionally, people will confuse us with the wait staff. I often wear dark sunglasses (prescription), and either a hat or bandana tied biker style, so that's pretty atypical for a classical violinist. Plus, I'm high as fuck, so that's another tip-off ;)
Now I'm hiring you for sure :fire:
Arya: You told her to kill me didnt you

Man: *nods* but yet here you are and there she is. Finally a girl has no name.

Arya: A girl's name is Arya Stark of Winterfell and I am going home.

Perhaps I could play something funky while you dance for me ;)
Ha! We'd make a pair wouldn't we? Actually, I bet you could play an excellent taqsim

Taqsim (Arabic: تَقْسِيم‎‎ / ALA-LC: taqsīm; Greek: ταξίμι taksimi, Turkish: taksim) is a melodic musical improvisation that usually precedes the performance of a traditional Arabic, Greek, Middle Eastern, or Turkish musical composition.

You have to really feel it. How are you at improv?

Oooh or if not improv, then the violin from Baba O'Reily
Ha! We'd make a pair wouldn't we? Actually, I bet you could play an excellent taqsim

Taqsim (Arabic: تَقْسِيم‎‎ / ALA-LC: taqsīm; Greek: ταξίμι taksimi, Turkish: taksim) is a melodic musical improvisation that usually precedes the performance of a traditional Arabic, Greek, Middle Eastern, or Turkish musical composition.

You have to really feel it. How are you at improv?

Oooh or if not improv, then the violin from Baba O'Reily

Not great at improv, but I'm learning. The married girl who I'm in love with in my group is an amazing jazz violinist, and she can improv her ass off (it's why I hired her). She's teaching me the basics, but it is a difficult transition from a strict classical upbringing. I could play the hell out of that Who violin solo. Good choice...
Ha! We'd make a pair wouldn't we? Actually, I bet you could play an excellent taqsim

Taqsim (Arabic: تَقْسِيم‎‎ / ALA-LC: taqsīm; Greek: ταξίμι taksimi, Turkish: taksim) is a melodic musical improvisation that usually precedes the performance of a traditional Arabic, Greek, Middle Eastern, or Turkish musical composition.

You have to really feel it. How are you at improv?

Oooh or if not improv, then the violin from Baba O'Reily

Do you know Shakti? Here they are with the great John Mclaughlin. Just amazing stuff. I bet you could dance your ass off to this track...

Not great at improv, but I'm learning. The married girl who I'm in love with in my group is an amazing jazz violinist, and she can improv her ass off (it's why I hired her). She's teaching me the basics, but it is a difficult transition from a strict classical upbringing. I could play the hell out of that Who violin solo. Good choice...
Trust yourself with improv. I was raised in classical ballet so belly is a total 180 from that. Can't shake all theyears of training and it's hampered me for BD, which is all about improv. But the more you try improv, the better you'll be. It's nerve-wracking though isn't it? Old habits die hard.

So it's settle, duet at Madison Square Garden then?
Do you know Shakti? Here they are with the great John Mclaughlin. Just amazing stuff. I bet you could dance your ass off to this track...

I so know ShakitI. And I actually am dancing my ass off to this. Had to get up and try it out. The call and response part toward the end is AWESOME. Very fast tempo. Don't think I could do all 14 minutes of that tempo but can do slow hip circles to it. Awesome vid thanks
Trust yourself with improv. I was raised in classical ballet so belly is a total 180 from that. Can't shake all theyears of training and it's hampered me for BD, which is all about improv. But the more you try improv, the better you'll be. It's nerve-wracking though isn't it? Old habits die hard.

So it's settle, duet at Madison Square Garden then?

Yep, so you know exactly what I mean, nerve-wracking is right. Madison Square Garden, it's a date...
OK...the annual anti-drug book came today...as a public service, I present their in depth marijuana half page...
To review "The Facts"
Marijuana usage causes a substantial loss of energy.
(I have noticed this to be true around midnight-1AM)
Marijuana usage doubles the risk of depression...
(If you're in danger of running out)
Marijuana can be both emotionally and physically addictive.
(So can sex, cheeseburgers and golf, so what?)
Marijuana today is significantly more powerful than 5 years ago.
(because @abe supercro is making better seeds)

that is all...just say no and shit.
OK...the annual anti-drug book came today...as a public service, I present their in depth marijuana half page...
View attachment 3707139
To review "The Facts"
Marijuana usage causes a substantial loss of energy.
(I have noticed this to be true around midnight-1AM)
Marijuana usage doubles the risk of depression...
(If you're in danger of running out)
Marijuana can be both emotionally and physically addictive.
(So can sex, cheeseburgers and golf, so what?)
Marijuana today is significantly more powerful than 5 years ago.
(because @abe supercro is making better seeds)

that is all...just say no and shit.
Significantly more powerful..
thanks rollitup!.. appearently all the reading i do here is paying off
OK...the annual anti-drug book came today...as a public service, I present their in depth marijuana half page...
View attachment 3707139
To review "The Facts"
Marijuana usage causes a substantial loss of energy.
(I have noticed this to be true around midnight-1AM)
Marijuana usage doubles the risk of depression...
(If you're in danger of running out)
Marijuana can be both emotionally and physically addictive.
(So can sex, cheeseburgers and golf, so what?)
Marijuana today is significantly more powerful than 5 years ago.
(because @abe supercro is making better seeds)

that is all...just say no and shit.

That's right! So drink alcohol. It's legal, and nothing has ever gone wrong because of alcohol consumption...