Random Jabber Jibber thread

One time I spoke to the qwizo.

He just laughed like he knew he was the better man. All I could say in my canadian accent was "heh heh m8 u sound high, higher then I can ever be"

He lUghed again and blessed me soul with a polite bai

I am now a qwizo believer
One time I spoke to the qwizo.

He just laughed like he knew he was the better man. All I could say in my canadian accent was "heh heh m8 u sound high, higher then I can ever be"

He lUghed again and blessed me soul with a polite bai

I am now a qwizo believer
Wow and I thought there was one king
Ok I have an idea for a Trump campaign add! Hear me out. So there's this mini lil trump running around talking mad shit. Then they cut to some newbie ass grower with his bullshit ass plants, sitting on his computer talking about shit he knows nothing about. Then lil Trumpy runs out and looks at the tiny ass bullshit buds and says "They're HUGE!" Then the slogan comes out in big letters across the screen "GOT A LIL TRUMP IN YOU?"

Messeges paid for by the Gary Goodson foundation for a better America
Ok I have an idea for a Trump campaign add! Hear me out. So there's this mini lil trump running around talking mad shit. Then they cut to some newbie ass grower with his bullshit ass plants, sitting on his computer talking about shit he knows nothing about. Then lil Trumpy runs out and looks at the tiny ass bullshit buds and says "They're YUGE!" Then the slogan comes out in big letters across the screen "GOT A LIL TRUMP IN YOU?"

Messeges paid for by Gary Goodson's foundation for a better America

Con permiso
Welcome back beech - was wondering what happened to you.
Good to see you around again.

You need to get your frog on again so we can recognize you. :wink:
Anyway that I could talk you into finding my Frog?
Being as I cant on here and do not remember where I found it....
Cant access the other members thread ffs lol and a big panda is guarding it.
Was it this guy?
