Random Jabber Jibber thread

Ouch, that's gonna hurt for awhile. Think you need a stitch or 2, looks a bit much for superglue
Chasing my nephew around the yard just having a grand time when i catch the bottom corner of a cheap metal fire pit. I don't do anything barefoot and this is why. I'm way too clumsy. My super hero name would be " Injury boy".
Got it wrapped up real good, hope for the best.
Chasing my nephew around the yard just having a grand time when i catch the bottom corner of a cheap metal fire pit. I don't do anything barefoot and this is why. I'm way too clumsy. My super hero name would be " Injury boy".
Got it wrapped up real good, hope for the best.
Oh shit, you should ask the tinychat crew what happened to me one day. I got shit faced and stumped my toe so fucking hard I couldn’t walk right for a week. And it took probably about a month just to feel normal. And all because I was walking around barefoot while drunk. Funny thing is, I didn’t even feel it or know till the next day.
I think you beat me @Jimmyjonestoo
Didn't mean to enter the competition.
Oh shit, you should ask the tinychat crew what happened to me one day. I got shit faced and stumped my toe so fucking hard I couldn’t walk right for a week. And it took probably about a month just to feel normal. And all because I was walking around barefoot while drunk. Funny thing is, I didn’t even feel it or know till the next day.
I was napping on the back patio when this 6 year old little asshole( definitly my nephew) shows up with a bucket of water balloons.. Game on you little shit. Jokes on me i guess.
Didn't mean to enter the competition.

I was napping on the back patio when this 6 year old little asshole( definitly my nephew) shows up with a bucket of water balloons.. Game on you little shit. Jokes on me i guess.
Famous last words....watch this.....

My 2nd best mtn.bike accident wasmin front of a group of 10 year olds. OTB and ofthe trail, down the hill a bit....
Didn't mean to enter the competition.

I was napping on the back patio when this 6 year old little asshole( definitly my nephew) shows up with a bucket of water balloons.. Game on you little shit. Jokes on me i guess.
lol so yeah, I got drunk with the tiny chat crew. Woke up the next day with my big toe throbbing. I looked down and was like wtf!!! I still can’t make a foot fist so this day!

Btw that sounds like a nice sex act. Girl, I’ll foot fist the shit outta you alllllll night:hump:
The new pickguard for this cheap ass pawn shop guitar I bought came in today, I'm going to pull the EMG's out of my bass (they were laying around and they sounded better than the $7 jazz pickups) and put them in it.

That leaves me with the old pickups and harness to play with now. I'm going to make one of these, I'm just not sure what I'm going to make it out of. I think I have some square tubing somewhere but it might be easier to just use an old 2x4 or something.

Or a staple. I bought one of those guns after watching The Martian, they're only $10 on amazon. Much quicker if it's an emergency too.
OK I Found It..............................................Thanks
As always Thanks.
Great Idea to have on hand
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Or a staple. I bought one of those guns after watching The Martian, they're only $10 on amazon. Much quicker if it's an emergency too.
Halloween is right around the corner.