Random Jabber Jibber thread

I remember that, I was 9 and lived in Burbank. It was very hush-hush, I think it was blamed on a gas explosion, that set fire to the surrounding brush/trees of the undeveloped land, kept folks away from area and it dropped out of the news cycle quickly. Since it was basically in the wild land folks didn't give it too much thought .
Been to the gate of the site plenty of times, I used to like to inform people about Californias Chernobyl, and then take them to gate of the actual site and turn around...Then one time they blocked my car in and asked me why I keep coming back...lol...that was the last time i tried that...lol

Yeah my pops lived in Van Nuys during the event. He was 11. Legit the largest release of nuclear material in North America, although they really dont know HOW much, because they had no equipment in which to measure the release of the material into the atmosphere.

I mean, they still have a large portion of Chatsworth fenced off because of toxic levels of radioactive Cesium 137, Strontium 90, Plutonium a couple feet below topsoil, as well as plenty of PCBs, dioxins, Mercury, Chromium-6 and PCEs.
Yep, it was a research facility they tested different types of reactors, rocket engines and early energy weapons. A veritable mad scientists playroom. The cause was an experimental sodium reactor and they had had many problems and small incidents before the big meltdown
Yeah, I think the sodium leaked into the lubricant that cooled the bearings for the turbines that pumped it around the nuclear reactor, and it turned into a solid substance that prevented the reactor from being cooled by the sodium resulting in a meltdown.
took my first hard fall today. At least my son was kind enough to give me a band aid
Took my first hard fall on my ebike last night! Bumped my knee pretty bad and I have road rash from my knee to the bottom of my shin. Still loving my bike tho! Better believe as soon as I can walk again, I’ll be back on it.

but seriously, how does someone get road rash on their shin? Lol