Random Jabber Jibber thread

Lawncare. Been doing it since I was 19. Ventured out on my own 6 years ago. Made a pretty good name for myself so business grows more and more each season. It can get stressful but I gambled on myself and so far it's paying off.
That is so cool. Your inspirational. It takes a lot of courage, focus , dedication and drive to succeed like you have. Congratulations on making your dreams come true. I love hearing such positive things.
That is so cool. Your inspirational. It takes a lot of courage, focus , dedication and drive to succeed like you have. Congratulations on making your dreams come true. I love hearing such positive things.
Thanks alot. I love positive feedback. It's kept me going. I wanted to quit a couple years in but I pushed forward and found a system that works. It does take alot of my time but I think I'm doing a decent job of balancing job and family. Think m gonna buy a jet ski or motorcycle next month and squeeze in some me time before summers over.
Thanks alot. I love positive feedback. It's kept me going. I wanted to quit a couple years in but I pushed forward and found a system that works. It does take alot of my time but I think I'm doing a decent job of balancing job and family. Think m gonna buy a jet ski or motorcycle next month and squeeze in some me time before summers over.
That’s exactly what I am trying to do right now. Squeeze in a little me time for once. Decompress and realign my chakras from Coming off a hellish work assignment . and I have no idea what I am going to be doing for work or a home in a month but it’s ok. Just going with the flow, keeping positive and everything is gonna be alright.
That’s exactly what I am trying to do right now. Squeeze in a little me time for once. Decompress and realign my chakras from Coming off a hellish work assignment . and I have no idea what I am going to be doing for work or a home in a month but it’s ok. Just going with the flow, keeping positive and everything is gonna be alright.

Shh, keep this between us.

One of the best places I've found to burn one. :blsmoke:
Shh, keep this between us.

One of the best places I've found to burn one. :blsmoke:
What happens out there? Do they try to brain wash you? I was looking into these wacko’s.
It was up in Mt Shasta and looked cool but probably just a waste of time. And the finally got back to me saying they are moving to Equador . Lol ..in Aug but now offering a very powerful 2 hour zoom healing for $333.
i am good just doing my insight timer meditation app. On my phone ….Like Bob Marley said, only you can free your mind. Yup.
nice spot though out at the bench. The crosses freak me out. I am sure they are nice but it’s a bit too creepy and Christian for me. Thank you for reaching out , I appreciate your compassion.
That’s exactly what I am trying to do right now. Squeeze in a little me time for once. Decompress and realign my chakras from Coming off a hellish work assignment . and I have no idea what I am going to be doing for work or a home in a month but it’s ok. Just going with the flow, keeping positive and everything is gonna be alright.
It will all work out. Some of my best times.have come from just letting life do what it wants. I've found that trying to force life in a certain direction just creates stress and usually ends up the opposite of what we want. Not saying quit trying or don't push but sometimes shit happens beyond our control and we'll destroy ourselves trying to force something out of nothing. It took me a long time and some therapy to accept that I only control so much. I do what I can and let the rest fall into place.
It will all work out. Some of my best times.have come from just letting life do what it wants. I've found that trying to force life in a certain direction just creates stress and usually ends up the opposite of what we want. Not saying quit trying or don't push but sometimes shit happens beyond our control and we'll destroy ourselves trying to force something out of nothing. It took me a long time and some therapy to accept that I only control so much. I do what I can and let the rest fall into place.
Your very wise and understanding. I wish the best for you and your family . It was wonderful catching up with you again and hearing of your achievements and making the life you have always dreamed of having . That is awesome!
Nah, Been there 10+ times, I just check out the gift shop, drop a dollar in the donation jar and walk the grounds, quietly.
Probably an hour is the longest I ever stayed, too much more to see.
oh, I see. Lol. That is the way to do it. Thanks for the tip.
Great to hear from you and that life is going on the up and up @Jimmyjonestoo . Congrats on the girls. Pretty special being s girl dad. And @Dr.Amber Trichome take it from someone that works himself to the bone, to the detriment of both health and family… without a reward of reset every so often, there is no justification or reason to live like that. I marked the work calendar months ago with no idea what to do, for this weekend. Just knew we needed it. And am currently with the wife, sans kid, having a reset weekend at a casino resort. Just even waking up an hour later than usual in a hotel bed, did wonders for my brain. Love you both.
Great to hear from you and that life is going on the up and up @Jimmyjonestoo . Congrats on the girls. Pretty special being s girl dad. And @Dr.Amber Trichome take it from someone that works himself to the bone, to the detriment of both health and family… without a reward of reset every so often, there is no justification or reason to live like that. I marked the work calendar months ago with no idea what to do, for this weekend. Just knew we needed it. And am currently with the wife, sans kid, having a reset weekend at a casino resort. Just even waking up an hour later than usual in a hotel bed, did wonders for my brain. Love you both.
Great advice homie. I've scheduled a weekend trip to Tennessee in September. It really is amazing what even a small reset can really do.
No, thank god

Tom Peterson was a Portland Icon. He had an appliance and electronics business that at one time spread across Oregon and into Washington. In the 70's and 80's his commercials would come on in the middle of the night with Wake Up! Wake Up! His store was also open until the middle of the night. He was annoying as hell but looking back now I kinda miss the guy.

"In the 1980s, Peterson was described by Oregonian columnist Margie Boulé as "arguably, the most recognizable man in Portland."

"A boiled penguin egg."