Random Jabber Jibber thread

Man we had a mean one called him rooster bob would attack you as soon as he saw ya. Buddies would be kicking him off them while flying in on ya. Eventually my other buddy said fuck it and cooked him, wasn't tasty :finger:
My friend had a watch rooster, that fucker knew where your shins were and would sneak up on you and attack. He wouldn't let me off him...
Clams or walrus?

Fresh conch rinsed off in the ocean was pretty tasty - snorkeling off San Pedro. Coconut like texture. Not an aphrodisiac!
In the 70's Dad kept a framing hammer in the boat - knock a hole in the top of the shell to remove animal & trim off all & skin the "foot". A bit of lemon/lime & it's crunchy (ish).