Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Goats on trees are found mostly only in Morocco. The goats climb them because they like to eat the fruit of the Argan tree, which is similar to an olive. Farmers actually follow the herds of goats as they move from tree to tree. Not because it is so strange to see goats in trees and the farmers like to point and stare, but because the fruit of the tree has a nut inside, which the goats can’t digest, so they spit it up or excrete it which the farmers collect. The nut contains 1-3 kernels, which can be ground to make argan oil used in cooking and cosmetics. This oil has been collected by the people of the region for hundreds of years, but like many wild and useful things these days, the argan tree is slowly disappearing due to over-harvesting for the tree’s wood and overgrazing by goats.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Crazy ass weather. It has been raining since Friday. We've accumulated over half an inch. Water is standing everywhere. The wind kicked up and an hour later we get snow. Everything was so flooded out I couldn't go running this morning. grrr!!!



New Member
Crazy ass weather. It has been raining since Friday. We've accumulated over half an inch. Water is standing everywhere. The wind kicked up and an hour later we get snow. Everything was so flooded out I couldn't go running this morning. grrr!!!

thats to bad b/c your ass is looking fat in those jeans:lol:

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
how in the world is something so delicious wrong let alone a sin!? :D

edit: only taking a minute 40 to make is heaven
I grew up with the stricture, "If it's hard to do then you're doing the right thing."

I was raised to believe that the easy road is the path to Hell. Brownies have to be mixed from scratch and baked in a conventional oven. Missionary style. Any other way is of the Devil! :fire:


Well-Known Member
Why does everything in my house break?

I just got the washing machine working again. Now today the dishwasher breaks...

It isnt like this is old stuff, just new appliances that keep breaking.

Not to forget about my computer...reformatting every year is a must.

1st world problems are a pain ;)