Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
TL;DR: Had an interesting conversation stoned as fuck with an old, creepy man who wanted to see his daughters boobs

This just happened to me at work yesterday...

It was just after I started my shift, so I came in pretty stoned, I was standing in the back putting product on the shelves when this old guy, probably around 65, about 5'5", 240lbs, white hair wearing a "Vietnam Veterans" hat walks up to me, this is how it went...

Him - "Do you have anything that will clean out an engine?"

Me - "Yeah, this will work" :grabs item, explains it, hands it to the guy:

Him - "Oh, OK, my Jeep hasn't been getting good miles lately..." :explains how he takes it off road, how he fucked up something that cost $3K to fix but was covered under his warranty, etc.: "Yeah, me and my wife are coming back from my daughters house, she's 28, she just had an operation.."

Me - :thinking car accident or something..: "Oh, I hope everything went OK.."

Him - "Yeah, she's OK..." :leans in, looks around and lowers his voice...: "...she got a boob job and she needs a little help with things.."

Me - "Oh, yeah, that's cool, I hear it's pretty painful for a few weeks after the operation.."

Him - "Yeah, her friend makes really good money working at the Hooters up there, she's got big ass DD tits, every time I go up there I see her, my dick gets so hard! My wife always catches me staring at her and smacks the back of my head"

:shit just got weird:

Me - :tries to awkwardly steer the conversation back towards his engine...: "..yeah those girls make pretty good money.. so that product works great but if you want to save some money there's some other stuff up front that's on sale.."

:goes on to tell me about how her friend always leans in and he sees down her shirt, mentions his hard dick again and caps it off by saying it's bullshit that his daughter will show his wife her boob job but not him:

:holy shit this is weird, why did you put me in this situation old man? I am stoned as fuck!:

Him - "...well, I'm gonna go pay for this stuff.." :walks away:


All I could do was laugh at what had just happened



Well-Known Member
How's Walter, O.B. was asking about him... should have got a pic of the 2

Oh and you're the racist...

Yeah take that honkey... it's funny cause it's true.
i can't be racist, my dogs are black, white, and brown.

i had the stomach flu at the time this picture was taken.

i still owe ya a round of the green (and purple) next time i'm in town.


Well-Known Member
TL;DR: Had an interesting conversation stoned as fuck with an old, creepy man who wanted to see his daughters boobs

This just happened to me at work yesterday...

It was just after I started my shift, so I came in pretty stoned, I was standing in the back putting product on the shelves when this old guy, probably around 65, about 5'5", 240lbs, white hair wearing a "Vietnam Veterans" hat walks up to me, this is how it went...

Him - "Do you have anything that will clean out an engine?"

Me - "Yeah, this will work" :grabs item, explains it, hands it to the guy:

Him - "Oh, OK, my Jeep hasn't been getting good miles lately..." :explains how he takes it off road, how he fucked up something that cost $3K to fix but was covered under his warranty, etc.: "Yeah, me and my wife are coming back from my daughters house, she's 28, she just had an operation.."

Me - :thinking car accident or something..: "Oh, I hope everything went OK.."

Him - "Yeah, she's OK..." :leans in, looks around and lowers his voice...: "...she got a boob job and she needs a little help with things.."

Me - "Oh, yeah, that's cool, I hear it's pretty painful for a few weeks after the operation.."

Him - "Yeah, her friend makes really good money working at the Hooters up there, she's got big ass DD tits, every time I go up there I see her, my dick gets so hard! My wife always catches me staring at her and smacks the back of my head"

:shit just got weird:

Me - :tries to awkwardly steer the conversation back towards his engine...: "..yeah those girls make pretty good money.. so that product works great but if you want to save some money there's some other stuff up front that's on sale.."

:goes on to tell me about how her friend always leans in and he sees down her shirt, mentions his hard dick again and caps it off by saying it's bullshit that his daughter will show his wife her boob job but not him:

:holy shit this is weird, why did you put me in this situation old man? I am stoned as fuck!:

Him - "...well, I'm gonna go pay for this stuff.." :walks away:


All I could do was laugh at what had just happened

:shock: .

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member

  • i had the stomach flu at the time this picture was taken.​

You shouldn't suck his penis after anal sex.
You could suffer diseases much more serious!

Looks like you are putting on some weight and just a bitchy whiny punk as usual.


Well-Known Member

  • i had the stomach flu at the time this picture was taken.​

You shouldn't suck his penis after anal sex.
You could suffer diseases much more serious!

Looks like you are putting on some weight and just a bitchy whiny punk as usual.
more allusions to gay sex involving me and some seriously rustled jimmies.

take it easy, margaret.


Well-Known Member

i like the smell of this shits resin (lemon scented) but i have a feeling it wont be that potent cause the resin isnt very sticky, just oily and smelly



Well-Known Member
What do folks from Canada and California have in Common?
Um we don't give a fuck about government, and chose to disobey any and all laws we feel are unconstitutional? like J-walking, wearing seat belts, talking/txting on the phone while drive, not properly stopping at a stop sign, ...ect


Well-Known Member
at about 65% complete adding tarp today

have 8 seedlings popped up yesterday as well.. (all bag seed from various friends.... so should be a interesting crop this year)


Well-Known Member
i can't be racist, my dogs are black, white, and brown.

i had the stomach flu at the time this picture was taken.

i still owe ya a round of the green (and purple) next time i'm in town.
One of the girls is graduating from high school this year, she's planning on moving to Colorado... if we move her out there and you're close enough...
until then... your life debt goes unpaid :shock:


Well-Known Member
Got up round 8. Sat the kids down for a talk. Told them we wont be eating fast food anymore. Its 12:30 now. My daughter is still upstairs cryin


Staff member
Got up round 8. Sat the kids down for a talk. Told them we wont be eating fast food anymore. Its 12:30 now. My daughter is still upstairs cryin
she'll get over it.
good on you for not allowing fast food anymore!