Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Staff member
I'm not a big drinker, but this really does work. When you return from the bar/ club, take a few aspirin and chug an entire glass of water, then go to sleep. When you wake up, you will feel hardly anything.
im tellin ya guys nothing cures my hangover EVER


Well-Known Member
yeah nice editing i believe that said "try dick" ....
you are correct sunni. he did say "try dick". which is why I immediately followed that with my statement. he's too much of a pussy to leave it. me on the other hand. well i guess that's what separates the men from the boys.... :P (just fuckin with you bde)


Well-Known Member
I never keep any around the house and I really don't feel like trolling the home depot bathrooms that early in the day with a headache - the lighting in there sucks. (No pun intended.)


Well-Known Member
Just popped over to my buddys for a jingo , he lives round the corner.
i open his front door to leave and straight in front of me is a huge fucking rottweiler dog staring me in the face.. i stared back at him for a few secs. he's then started to make a growl at me and i'v shut the door so fast nearly took it off the hinges!
i go round there few times a week at least and was just full on unexpected, must of escaped from someones house round here. all you need after smoking a couple of scooby snacks... im still shakin lol

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I has a question! I just bought a 5 gallon pot and it smells bad. Why? And how do i fix it?

I can smell it 2-3 feet away, and up close it really bothers me.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My sister was like that through her pregnancies. There were usually a couple of odors she couldn't handle. One time it was the scent of lilacs. We have lilacs all over the property. The next time it would be the smell of roast mutton. Once she had the baby she was fine. :)

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
this thing smells like burning oil or something. peeyew. I don't want my bud smelling like that!

It will be the last pot I transplant into. Hopefully in another 2 weeks.