Been down and out with the flu/pneumonia since Saturday..
How my week was..
Saturday.. ok.. sore throat kinda sore and achy
Sunday ^same+... had a bit of a fever.. still made it to Church both services
Monday^ same + laying in bed waiting for death.. so weak and not able to catch my breath really well
Tuesday ^same + sleep (dont recall much except sleeping all the time..
Weds ^ same+ offered a buddy to smother me while I slept.. no takers...
Thurs^ same + ok this shit has gone on long enough.. go to DR.. dr says... It's possible I have a stage 1 emphysema.. and getting sick with the flu/pneumonia will take longer to get better.. (did quit smoking 6 weeks ago both Cigs and MJ.. ) have not had any MJ since Sunday (made some peanut butter today )
dr gave me an inhaler and some antibiotics..
Friday.. feeling about 97% normal.. which was never really that good anyways.. lol
was able to eat 3 times during that time. been so weak that I have had more sleep in the last week then I usually get in a month.. awake for 1-2 hours sleep for 3-5 repeat..
Plus side I lost about 10 lbs.. and wifey took great care of me...
would guess this was the sickest I have been in about 20 years..