Well-Known Member
Omg! Have you seen the Magic yet ??
what a PP!!

Hi, nice to meet you. Do you come here often? No? Bye then.Looks like one, talks like one, must be one
Who banned me bro!! I know you can get the answers!!Hey yo!
Yes I'm here I'm just not as sunny as I usually am! .. people come here looking for sunshine not moonshine nigga!! Who banned me and why? I didn't do anything ..This time!But you're right here? I'm talking to you right now? Is this really you?
I really don't know I've posted a tranny pic and said some offensive shit in the last 24 hours.. so nothing out of the ordinary!!!. It's all good tho I really don't care about trophy points! I just want to like things so bad!!da fuq is that about?
I realized who I was talking to after a minute... Hmm I dunno man.
What'd you do? LOL
If I could like this post!!! I so would! Thank youill find out