Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I still think you get better names for your bits and pieces.

If I had a dick, I'd name it Nagini...

I love Harry POtter.

Alas, I have a Va-J. I have to settle for calling it Vagini.

Not bad...much nicer than cunt, twat, gash, axe-wound, tuna-taco, pussy (I DON'T like that word), slit.

I do like BOX though.


twat is sooo…..stupid sounding. I think BOX is ridiculous…like luggage, but the "P" word is sorta cute. why don't you like it?

PS, Yessica You get the prize for fastest giffer/pic poster . How do you come up with these so fast?
Waaaaait a minute wait a minute.

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There are some other gunslingers here, ma friend.
Forgive me… I- I- …..

I have no excuse…

I prematurely , well you know


twat is sooo…..stupid sounding. I think BOX is ridiculous…like luggage, but the "P" word is sorta cute. why don't you like it?

PS, Yessica You get the prize for fastest giffer/pic poster . How do you come up with these so fast?
hahahaah - I have 100's of pictures on my ipad, phones, facebook, computer, wherever. They always make me laugh - so I kept em.

Most of the time, I am just waiting for someone to say something that reminds me of one...hahahaha

I like the sound of BOX. I use it. "A swift kick to the box" is one of my most used sayings...hahaha.

I do use Vagini, a lot - it sounds magical and cute.
hahahaah - I have 100's of pictures on my ipad, phones, facebook, computer, wherever. They always make me laugh - so I kept em.

Most of the time, I am just waiting for someone to say something that reminds me of one...hahahaha

I like the sound of BOX. I use it. "A swift kick to the box" is one of my most used sayings...hahaha.

I do use Vagini, a lot - it sounds magical and cute.

Like: va-GIN-ee

or va-JINE-ee?