Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Good thread idea. A drug forum I used to post on had a similar thread, "Insanity & Bullshit" it was called. Same premise.

Sad story, friends. Earlier tonight I was stepping outside to have a toke, and I accidentally stepped on a toad, and must have broken its neck/back/whatever because I killed it. I felt awful, and my bowl enjoyment was severely hampered. Afterwards I used a shovel to hurl its body into the woods, and I couldn't help myself when i started laughing at how well my improvised toad catapult had worked.
Bought myself an ounce of dank and a new 4 piece Space Case grinder yesterday. I have to say I am fucking loving this little grinder. I just keep grinding nug after nug, and am loving watching my kief collection just get bigger and bigger.
Bought myself an ounce of dank and a new 4 piece Space Case grinder yesterday. I have to say I am fucking loving this little grinder. I just keep grinding nug after nug, and am loving watching my kief collection just get bigger and bigger.

I got a Space case as well, but it's the sensible-shoes model and not the fishnet lingerie one. cn
wise man once say u can pick your friends and u can pick your nose but you cant wipe your friends on the back of the sofa.

Confucius say... Man who goes to sleep with itchy butt, wakes up with stinky finger.

Confucius say... Man who walk through airport turnstile sideways, going to Bangkok.

Confucius say... Man who pushes piano down mineshaft, get tone of A flat miner.
Just about cut the end of one of my toes off this morning on my metal bed frame. Got up to take a piss, stumbled back to my bed, when suddenly... BAM!!! I accidentally kicked the corner of my bed frame and fell face first onto my bed in agony screaming curse words. There's literally like a huge chunk of skin hanging off the front of the toe, and it's just pure red beneath. Well no worries, I folded the skin back on top, applied two spider-man band-aids and went back to bed. Problem solved.

But god damn, is there anything more painful than stubbing a toe (leg cramps?)? How can one little toe cause so much pain?
Just about cut the end of one of my toes off this morning on my metal bed frame. Got up to take a piss, stumbled back to my bed, when suddenly... BAM!!! I accidentally kicked the corner of my bed frame and fell face first onto my bed in agony screaming curse words. There's literally like a huge chunk of skin hanging off the front of the toe, and it's just pure red beneath. Well no worries, I folded the skin back on top, applied two spider-man band-aids and went back to bed. Problem solved.

But god damn, is there anything more painful than stubbing a toe (leg cramps?)? How can one little toe cause so much pain?

I took a bastard cut file to those sneaky corners ... and cut the bastards smooth. I still hit them from time to time and cuss most awfully, but i no longer bleed. cn
That's not a bad idea. I've often thought of "baby proofing" my surroundings. Applying styrofoam to pointy corners, things like that.

But I've decided I like the drama. I live for the danger (of pointy corners).