Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Can't believe I'm cracking jokes at this time of the
morning. In an hour from now I'll be in the dentists chair injected, drilled and having my nerve done. Don't you just love Monday's? Oh god! :(


Well-Known Member
14 miles from the batcave to gotham city.
every time the red phone rings that bat asshole drives like a fucking lunatic to get there.
Hes gonna kill someone.
Maybe find a cave closer to town dipshit.

Can't believe I'm cracking jokes at this time of the
morning. In an hour from now I'll be in the dentists chair injected, drilled and having my nerve done. Don't you just love Monday's? Oh god! :(
Holy shit - good luck! Getting your nerve done? I don't know what that is - sounds intense!

I actually kinda like the dentist. As long as you can't feel anything - all the loud noises and contraptions makes you feel like you're part of an alien abduction...