Random Jibber Jabber Thread

The smitty plate is just to cover up the hole you would chop into the wall to get access to the piping.

Did anyone do ANY other plumbing work before you had this problem within the last couple of months?

Well, we're reaching the end of my plumbing expertise. ASSuming all the other faucets in the house work OK? The bath has separate hot and cold handles coming out of the wall and a lever that switches from tub spout to shower, right? The fact that the problem is going back and forth between hot and cold faucets makes me think it's something in your installation that's not right. Are you absolutely sure you got the right kind and size of rubber washers? There are different types

If you shut of the main supply valve where it comes in off the street and you still have water pressure (did you check all other faucets in the house both hot and cold?), then that valve is probably bad as Blue Wizard said. When you say water leaking out the tub spout is it a steady stream or x number of drips per minute? Did the 8 minute shower thing just start recently, too?

You know there's going to be a bill for this don't you?:)

Lol payments in beer or bud .

But no work has been done by or any one since I've owned. Owned about 6-7 yrs. Check all my reports and nothing mentioned. But who knows?

Yes three handles hot , diverter, cold.

I may have used to small of a washer. It didn't fit the end of the stem completely in circumference. I'm going to open it up again later.
How old is the heater?, could be full of sediment.
What is the temp setting? verses actual temp, could be faulty pop off valve. Creating high pressure.
There should be a inlet valve to the heater you could turn off as well as the main.
Fairly new. We replaced it few years ago. When I shut off the main supply again I'll check other faucets. But they seem to work like they are supposed too
Yeah, I would replace the faucet but we'll be leaving and I think it is just money down the drain.

I wish I could get vinegar running through the whole thing.
Stronger acid and syringe? I'm coming very late to the conversation so please ignore me if it's been suggested and rejected.
....especially if you've got someone else at home yapping about no water.

That usually facilitates my enjoyment of going to the store so there is that.

I planted 6 cucumber seeds Tuesday they are breaking soil now. Now waiting for the Tomatoes!
LOL I cloned a bunch of my tomatoes on a lark. Now I have to take some to the Hydro store
One could disconnect the cold water inlet of the W/H, drain a gallon or so, then top off with scale remover thru the W/H inlet then reconnect the water line, slowly run it thru the lines.

Note: can cause problems if too much is dislodge at once, like plug things up down the line. adversely it can remove the scale that happens to be plugging small leaks.
Some quizo I made yesterday and today
So this one time many years ago I was smoking the bong with a few friends of mine, in the backyard. Many hits were had, I was quite gone. My turn came up again, and I took a gooder. Pulled out the bowl and went to take the hoot, when something stopped me right there. The fingers on my right hand were getting quite warm. Turned out the bowl, which was lacking any sort of a handle, had become quite toasty from the repeated lightering. A great state of confusion entered my mind. On one hand I had this smoke filled bong, which I felt a real compulsion to take, and on the other I had this bowl that was rapidly burning the shit out of my fingers. It didn't belong to me, so I couldn't just throw it to the ground. It gave me great pause, and unsure of what to do, I just stood there with a retarded expression on my face. Eventually the pain in my fingers became too great and I hit on a solution. I thrust the bowl in the direction of my pals, and yelped out "Take it!!!". They shrugged back, replying with a "Fuck that it's hot!". Shit, what was I to do. I hit upon throwing the bowl back in the bong, but then realized that I had still yet to take my toke. So I whipped er out again, burned my digits just a bit more, drew that smoke in real quick, threw er back in there, and the crisis was averted, mostly. Only had a few massive blisters on my fingers, but I was high, so the pain didn't really get to me.

Not sure where I was going with that windy. But I had to get er off my chest, to ever get over that PTSD.