Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
its like a canadian card to like fly and go across into the states with... not that i would ever use it much but sometimes my bff johanna wants to go across with me and id like to go
Oh - I've heard of this! Are they expensive? It just gets you out of lines and stuff?

I think if you fly a lot it's totally worth it.


Well-Known Member
My first blunt was a success.

Put in a good .3g looked like shit on the top half, and was a little loose, but it smoked alright.


Well-Known Member
So last night I was closing at the restaurant. Well halfway through my shift, the manager wants me to come talk to him in the parking lot. So we go, and fire up a blunt off and away somewhere (higher ups orders). It was me, the manager, and two cooks. One of them wasn't even on shift. He just swung by to check the schedule or something.

Anyway the guy that's not on shift starts doing fucking coke in the parking lot, and offering everyone a hit. We all declined and he started calling us lightweights or someshit. We finished the blunt, and headed out to finish the shift.