Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Wow guys! I take some time off to harvest, son came for a visit, and we went to Disneyland.. I'm still harvesting. I'm beginning to think I will NEVER STOP TRIMMING! I noticed you guys re-decorated round these here parts.

Harvested some GG #4. It has me walking into walls and slowed down the interminable trimming LOL. Hope your summer is beginning to shape up.


Well-Known Member
Wow guys! I take some time off to harvest, son came for a visit, and we went to Disneyland.. I'm still harvesting. I'm beginning to think I will NEVER STOP TRIMMING! I noticed you guys re-decorated round these here parts.

Harvested some GG #4. It has me walking into walls and slowed down the interminable trimming LOL. Hope your summer is beginning to shape up.
Trimming is the only thing I fear that will drive me from my black market grow. It's every fucking 2 weeks for me. Last time I sincerely felt my mind slipping, I was concerned. I may switch from a smaller perpetual grow to one where I have more time between harvests. I'm starting to lose it...


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Trimming is the only thing I fear that will drive me from my black market grow. It's every fucking 2 weeks for me. Last time I sincerely felt my mind slipping, I was concerned. I may switch from a smaller perpetual grow to one where I have more time between harvests. I'm starting to lose it...
I was perpetual and it always worked out to this constant nightmare of trimming that seemingly never ended. I just walked around feeling guilty about not trimming!!

I feel your pain.


Well-Known Member
Trimming is the only thing I fear that will drive me from my black market grow. It's every fucking 2 weeks for me. Last time I sincerely felt my mind slipping, I was concerned. I may switch from a smaller perpetual grow to one where I have more time between harvests. I'm starting to lose it...

It is focusing so hard for extended periods of time. Sometimes I set a timer for 25 minutes then get up and walk around a bit.


Well-Known Member
I just send my plant to @cannabineer and he concentrates it, easy peasy LOL. But I do love smoking joints. I am so old you know me Hempy, how you been hun?
Youre not that old! Old is Mildred crushing bingo night at the retirement home :P! Im good thankyou for asking. Still same ole shit with me :P. Just trying to enjoy myself and stay out of trouble which can be easier said than done!


Well-Known Member
Do you guys prefer music or movies when youre trimming all day long? I like to find a good tv series to watch if im going to be trimming. Nobody ever seems to agree on music when youre timming in a group it seems. I tried to trim on some blotters once and freaked out bc i thought i was ruining all the buds. The next day the whole qp i managed to to finish LOL was actually trimmed really well.