Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Just discovered the band Alt-J the other day, and their debut album has been playing pretty much non-stop on repeat for the past couple days. Anybody familiar?
These guys
Good tunes bro, glad to see you're doing ok BTW ...for you :joint:


Well-Known Member
^That's them alright. They're going to be in Minneapolis in like a month, but I heard about it literally the day I discovered the band, and at that time it was already sold out. So that was unfortunate :(

And thanks, man, glad to see you're still kicking it around these parts!


Well-Known Member
^That's them alright. They're going to be in Minneapolis in like a month, but I heard about it literally the day I discovered the band, and at that time it was already sold out. So that was unfortunate :(

And thanks, man, glad to see you're still kicking it around these parts!
Oh yeah just soaking up the knowledge, I think I could become quite the troll if I wanted :shock::-P...seriously though I've enjoyed my time here.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i finally got a new mouse for my laptop today after using the atrocious built in pad mouse thing for almost a week. it's a pretty big deal for me. i bought it at walgreens out of desperation and there was one of those lock thingys on the pole it hung on so i had to wait for an employee to unlock it. they lock up a 15 dollar mouse and right next to it were a bunch of disposable cameras and ethernet cords in the 25 dollar range with no locks. dumbest thing i've seen all week.

if my cat breaks this one i'm turning him into gloves.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Just got my cable bill. $648.00. I freaked the fuck out. I looked through the bill and found out my dad has discovered on-demand programming. He ordered over 400.00 in movies. This was a one month period. I can say one thing. He has good taste in movies. I may have to kill him and tell God he died.


Well-Known Member
Love that kill him and tell god he died line, funny on multiple levels..

No time to draw his morning in busy which is a good and bad thing was looking to bang out that Vietnam piece, but I sold an A6 at 830 this morning dudes just drove away plates and sticker on car!...

Got an awesome idea for you see4 just need to throw it down