Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I haven't posted much since I got back from my hike on the AT.

I did 350 miles in 25 days. Made it Hanover, NH got a rental car in Lebanon and drove home.

I lost over thirty pounds on my hike. I did quite a few 20 mile days.

I also took two full zero hike days as I got a really bad shin splint on Mt. Stratton in Vermont.
John Houser.. Sandra Bland...wtf. Seriously. Wtf is all this shit going on? People need to open their eyes, there are way too many issues popping up the last year or two. Something big is going on. Something we don't understand. Get your heads out of your asses about confederate flags, dukes of Hazzard, Donald trump, other dumb shit. Seriously. People need their attention focused on the right things and stop being ignorant to these crazy things happening in the world.

Things are not right and it's getting scary. We used to have a columbine type thing once every 10 years, now it seems like once a week. No one seems to realize this isn't "normal". Everyone ignores things like this and their attention is on the wrong topics. The events happening the last year or two should be standing out in people's minds leaving them thinking something is wrong! I feel like America is number one for unexplained and random murders, it needs to stop. It's like a disease, more of a plague, and no one sees it!

Sorry for ranting. But America is getting out of control. :( I know this isn't the politics section, but I felt the need to say it anyway.

Society does that sometimes. Often those schisms are mostly forgotten by history. For example, ithe early 19th C, bad economic times coupled with funky political times led to a massive upwelling of religious fervor. It was pretty common for even the smallest of towns have several messiahs come through every year - and these people were getting followers! If it weren't for the fact that the Mormon church started in this atmosphere it would be a small historical footnote. How about the 1930's... Dillinger, Bonnie and Clyde etc.? Bad economic times, social upheaval, world run wild. When I was a kid we worried about the Weathermen and Patty hearst.

So here we are today...9/11 started it. It made people feel uneasy and on edge - to say the least. Our foreign policy has been retarded ever since. Then throw in social upheaval that has made a lot of people feel as if their world is slipping away (or being subverted by the black man in the white house and his minions) - homosexuals marrying, legal abortions, gettin arrested for lynchings (cue Kinks "where have all the good times gone?") poor people getting dignity - all of those things piss people off even more. And then mix in the de-evolution of one of our major political parties who no longer has ideas and instead panders to society's low elements (pulling a page from uncle Adolph). Society is moving very quickly right now and it freaks a lot of people out.

Nah, nothing is wrong. Shakespeare wrote about this shit I would wager. We humans are strange creatures still trying to claw our way out of the wilderness. Sometimes is isn't so pretty. Once this happened a few times it nearly became a meme. Now everybody is doing it. Are you a maladjusted 21 year old virgin with rich parents? Go take your BMW out and kill as many pedestrians as you can to show your rage at the world for letting you be a 21 year old virgin. Life give you bad breaks? Go see a movie - bring guns (the ultimate expression of freedom).

Oh, I could go on... And I don't fully understand it... But it isn't new. We are under a lot of stress. People react strangely when this happens - even more strangely than usual.

One of my family members recently gave me one of these lectures about how screwed up things are now in the world. "when I was a kid..." they brayed, but I interrupted and pointed out that when they were a kid Hitler had overrun most of Europe and there is pretty much nothing more fucked up than that - until @panhead gets here with some middle east stories.
With mass media everyone has become so concerned about what everyone else is doing.

I see so many people who gave up on life a long long time ago. These fat slouching dolts wandering about with their equally moronic offspring.

They need to focus on their own lives and better themselves rather than be concerned about someone else's personal life that has no influence on their own lives other than the fact that their panties get all riled up about where they're sticking their cock. Putting homosexuals and beastiality on the same plane.

The whole confederate flag thing is hilarious. These rednecks flying the battle flag in black neighborhoods getting rocks and bottles thrown at their big faggy trucks. How long before one of these morons gets murdered over something idiotic like a flag.

I love it. Feed me. Nom Nom Nom.
I haven't posted much since I got back from my hike on the AT.

I did 350 miles in 25 days. Made it Hanover, NH got a rental car in Lebanon and drove home.

I lost over thirty pounds on my hike. I did quite a few 20 mile days.

I also took two full zero hike days as I got a really bad shin splint on Mt. Stratton in Vermont.

That's pretty awesome. Quite a life experience. Any more progress on the tiny house?
Agreed, it's a messed up world. I just get so pissed off when there's so many people worried about when dancing with the Stars show is cancelled or similar shit (I can go on for hours about the similar shit) and they are just clueless to what's going on. Our mental health system is so broken. The whole flag thing irritated me too because that's not the only symbol of "messed up history" that is shown proudly. Ie: the cross, even the American flag (I bet native Americans don't like it too much)
We were speeding by accident by 10 over it was an accident really it was a detour on i75 and there was no speed limit signs total accident he let us go he was actually very nice
Those horses and wagon go that fast???!! You're really Amish or Mennonite aren't you?