Random Jibber Jabber Thread

mail em to me if they arent doing you good
i have a safe addy... and dont use a return. real talk
PM me if yiu wanna talk prices. im always down
ahhhh fuck. So about 20 years ago my front tooth was broken at the gumline. I got a root canal and a crown. (Happened in grade school. the school paid for it all.)

Two months ago while I was hiking my tooth broke at the gum line again.

Dentist says they can't fix it. I have to go to a oral surgeon.

I went today and they gave me an estimate for extraction of the remainder of the tooth and placing an implant.

Basically they want to pull my tooth and place a bone graft in the place then Drill a hole in my jaw bone and tap an implant in. Wait 6 months and then place a crown if it does not get rejected by my jaw.

At the low low cost of 3250 and 500 for the new crown.

It makes me squirm just to think about it. Last time I went through this I was 9 years old and it was pretty traumatic.
I gave my wife the night off from the kid and sent her to the mall with $100 to buy her self something nice. In the meantime my buddy came over to grab a little something and I tod him I had to run out and get milk and oranges at the grocery store and he said he wanted to come with. It was pretty uneventful. But it just dawned on me as I sit here that 2 professional looking white guys walking hand in hand in the grocery store with a fairly Asian looking toddler probably gave a very mixed message LOL.
I had to hose human excrement off one of the walls at work today. Somebody took a dump right behind one of the buildings next to an AC unit. We're a short distance from some gas stations and fast food joints, not sure why they couldn't just go there or ask one of the other tenants to use the bathroom.

God damn animals.
so i was barred the fuck out yesterday in case peoplle dont keep up. this cute chick gave me a ride home, long story. anyway i seen her at work today just now.

hell ya. been a good week
I'm so sick of explaining why the weeds have to be whacked to my husband. He's such a child.

We VERY narrowly avoided getting a 1000 dollar fine today. Guy was walking up to serve it when we had just finished most of the weeds. He turned around and left. 3rd citation is 1000 dollar fine.

My husband comes inside and yells at me like it's MY fault we almost got a fine. Then after a little argument, apologies were made and he agreed to take care of it.

Later, he throws a hissy fit because he thinks it looks fine now. So I finished the weeds. While I have a fever and I'm coughing.

So sick of the stupid bullshit drama.