Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Good advice since I know for a fact that there are at least 2 cops that are here regularly and are quite chatty-if I ever find out their screen mans I will pm a mod and let them deal with it.
you know.... That made no sence at all.


Staff member
Good advice since I know for a fact that there are at least 2 cops that are here regularly and are quite chatty-if I ever find out their screen mans I will pm a mod and let them deal with it.
it wouldnt matter anyways the tos to this site covers anyones ass anyways


Well-Known Member
I just seeded some lavender, mint and romain. Already have marigolds, parsley and basil seedlings. Im anxious to get outdoors this year.


Well-Known Member
We're sprouting fresh mint, peppers (habanero and sweet peppers,) parsley, basil, cilantro, and tomatoes. I'm in charge of the food stuff, so, a lot more herbs will be planted! The boss lady wants to grow flowers with my mom.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I go into the garden and cut Aloe Vera when I get a burn. First had it done in Thailand when I got a koh samui
tattoo (leg burn from bike exhaust, happens a lot). Thais sliced the aloe and layered it on the burn. Went down considerably the next day, no scar today! You'd have to wrap cling film round it.
every yard in hawaii has an aloe plant ... and a mango tree, lol

we use aloe all the time for burns, scrapes, and cuts. good shit


Well-Known Member
My random- I'm very pleased to have found out 3 things abt Spannabis 2013. Eva seeds and medical seeds both won a cup. GH seeds exodus cheese which I first grew 2 years ago has finally been recognised and won a cup too!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Good advice since I know for a fact that there are at least 2 cops that are here regularly and are quite chatty-if I ever find out their screen mans I will pm a mod and let them deal with it.
There's also plenty US military veterans that have given you the right to run your trap off with no basis and not get hung for it in your town square.

Edit: A lil' something else to go with my statement.

It is the Soldier, not the reporter
Who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the Soldier, not the poet,
Who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer,
Who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.

It is the Soldier, not the lawyer,
Who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the Soldier, who salutes the flag,
Who serves beneath the flag,
And whose coffin is draped by the flag,
Who allows the protestor to burn the flag.

© Copyright 1970 2010
Charles M. Province, U.S. Army


That said, if you don't like it - we can go to blows, but you won't like the result, madmonk.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
since I know for a fact that there are at least 2 cops that are here regularly and are quite chatty-if I ever find out their screen mans I will pm a mod and let them deal with it.
could you explain how you came up with these 'facts'? and if you know that there is 2 cops on this forum, how the hell do you not know their user names? especially if they are quite chatty?


Staff member
could you explain how you came up with these 'facts'? and if you know that there is 2 cops on this forum, how the hell do you not know their user names? especially if they are quite chatty?
i pm'ed him alreayd saying if he had proof to give it to me, otherwise we dont need peopkle getting all paranoid again *rolls eyes*


Well-Known Member
my buddy burned himself on the oven when he was recovering from acl surgery. his mother brought over her aloe plant. later that night he bent over to grab something in his kitchen and poked his eye pretty badly on the aloe plant. shitty day for him. went over and blazed him out and donated a few edibles. :leaf:


Staff member

oh my gawd. this is TOTALLY MY NONNA in puppet form , hahaha i can only hope to be this hilarious when im that age...dear god, it's sooooooooo like her though fucking Nonna's most hilarious women on the planet!