Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
So last night as the Raspberry Cough hash was having its Viking way with my quivering lobes, I was struck by the phallic/vulvic symbology in the original Alien. This led me into wondering where all the Alien/Predator porn is. I blew my mind trying to picture an Alien and a Predator engaging in oral acts. If two such French-kiss, who's the likely survivor? How many teeth in an Alien pussy? How many fangs on/around a Pred putz? Some random weedy wonderings. cn
I'm pretty sure that made me more gay. Thanks. Now I want to redecorate the sitting room aka the shitter.


Well-Known Member
So last night as the Raspberry Cough hash was having its Viking way with my quivering lobes, I was struck by the phallic/vulvic symbology in the original Alien. This led me into wondering where all the Alien/Predator porn is. I blew my mind trying to picture an Alien and a Predator engaging in oral acts. If two such French-kiss, who's the likely survivor? How many teeth in an Alien pussy? How many fangs on/around a Pred putz? Some random weedy wonderings. cn
you might end up with a tomotajuana if you mix those two...he made me do it, i tried not to do it, but he made me do it :eyesmoke:

so sorry RB :hug:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
*Awkward* but I've gotten a lot of emails about this. You guys...I love you...you have to read the whole thing. I didn't...actually play bagpipes...and I feel sooo bad for posting this joke now because so many people were like "Aw that's such a heartfelt story..." It's....i'm sorry.
I was actually believing it till I got to the end, lol at first, before I read it', I was like .... bagpipes, riiiight. lol but as i got to reading i was actually convinced till I hit the punchline


Well-Known Member
I heard it was a pastor, who ran over and said a prayer over the dirt pile, then left. The diggers said they had never seen a septic tank blessed before.


Well-Known Member
Never knew just what a pain in the ass Canadian government can be.. I went to go see if anyone had claimed a domain that's cannabis-related, and to my surprise.. it's owned by the Canadian RCMP / Government of Canada.


Well-Known Member
"stretching his rectum in order to smuggle dynamite into the facility"
:shock: watching lockup, those bitches are crazy. makes me wonder how FDD is doing :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
"stretching his rectum in order to smuggle dynamite into the facility"
:shock: watching lockup, those bitches are crazy. makes me wonder how FDD is doing :eyesmoke:
That sounds like the best thread ever, how many sticks can you fit in your anus. I bet i could jam three up there, that would be enough for a prison break :):):)


Well-Known Member
"stretching his rectum in order to smuggle dynamite into the facility"
:shock: watching lockup, those bitches are crazy. makes me wonder how FDD is doing :eyesmoke:
Why dynamite? I'd opt for an explosive that's easily modifyable/more easily shaped.. and more stable (in theory) than nitroglycerine-based explosive.. RDX or PBX come to mind.


Well-Known Member
because they aren't the brightest convicts i'd say :eyesmoke:
Seems like it, PBX allows the plastic binder to stabilize it, and it's much more malleable/pliable, easily shaped to direct the brunt of the explosion at the intended target... anything less is just asking for wasted time depending on how hardened the target is.


Well-Known Member
Why dynamite? I'd opt for an explosive that's easily modifyable/more easily shaped.. and more stable (in theory) than nitroglycerine-based explosive.. RDX or PBX come to mind.
Maybe they enjoy the challenge of getting a bunch of sticks in them to demonstrate value.. Have you herd the term ' gay for the stay' ?