Random Jibber Jabber Thread

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Aww whata lil cutie.

And really? They scolded you for snapping a few pictures of your child after you paid them $160 for pictures of your child?

I would have told them to fuck right off.
Naw man, she didn't pay yet. That's their business. Same reason you can't bring beverages into another establishment that serves beverages. You want to use their professional set and take your own pictures to save on your order, I see 'Brick'.

@Flaming Pie it appears your daughters hair is on fire. Please extinguish it.


Staff member
Aww whata lil cutie.

And really? They scolded you for snapping a few pictures of your child after you paid them $160 for pictures of your child?

I would have told them to fuck right off.
its christmas time they probably have other clientele to do . photographers do not make much money.
and their time slots are usually jammed packed.

it can an annoyance when a parental figure its sitting there taking 120 photos and they are wasting the time of the photographer to do their job properly.


Staff member
what are we talking about im confused.


I NEED chipotle in my life or mucho burrito
with one of those mexican soda's


@mr sunshine please kitty.jpg
I know for a fact you're Brick Tamland.
prove it? im pretty sure hes not
because brick tamland told me to go fuck myself and other mean things when i simply asked him to stop breaking the rules
and bubbles has been nothing but pleasant to me.
no one is THAT crazy

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I only took one photo of her on the set. Then they said oh parents can't take photos in here. So I said OK and kept my phone in my pocket the rest of the shoot.

It was a natural reaction as mommy to catch her being cute. I understood their point tho.

My back is killing me.


Well-Known Member
prove it? im pretty sure hes not
because brick tamland told me to go fuck myself and other mean things when i simply asked him to stop breaking the rules
and bubbles has been nothing but pleasant to me.
no one is THAT crazy
Thank you.

Oh heck I didn't know Brick went off like that, that's odd. Did you ban him? I'm only giving bubbles a hard time because he seems emotionally sensitive, demanding proof and the swearing and all. I never really believed he was Brick Tamland. ;-)
By all means, trollitup dude.

I'll be over here rollin it up. :wink:

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
what are we talking about im confused.


I NEED chipotle in my life or mucho burrito
with one of those mexican soda's


@mr sunshine please View attachment 3561394

prove it? im pretty sure hes not
because brick tamland told me to go fuck myself and other mean things when i simply asked him to stop breaking the rules
and bubbles has been nothing but pleasant to me.
no one is THAT crazy
How about a tofu taco? I can make it happen. 20151208_231649.jpg


Staff member
Oh heck I didn't know Brick went off like that, that's odd. Did you ban him? I'm only giving bubbles a hard time because he seems emotionally sensitive, demanding proof and the swearing and all. I never really believe he was Brick Tamland. ;-)
well.. i didnt want to , he had a edited post, which he re-wrote so i messaged him to let him know i was editing it,
which as you all know we generally dont do, but he was new so i figured id let him know part of his post was not acceptable standards

and he flipped out and was like rah rah you shouldve just nicely messaged me to tell me i was wrong and i was like,..thats exactly what i did
and hes like rah rah censorship
and im like..mmm not really..

and he just flew off the fucking handle,

just checked my PM's with him, he called someone the N word, but he meant it it wasnt in a joking manner.
he said our censorship was out of control here
and i said not really just dont call people offensive names

than he said i was ona power trip because you know thats what everyone says to me ....apparently thats supposed to hurt my feelings
and demanded 6 times to delete his account so i banned him
cause we dont delete accounts , which i told him, and said we only ban , so hes gone

its not really odd, from what ive heard hes banned by most growing website because he cant play by the rules lol

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
and he just flew off the fucking handle,

its not really odd, from what ive heard hes banned by most growing website because he cant play by the rules lol
I find it odd when people fly off the handle. Well, it's kinda amusing at times. I didn't know that Brick Tamland had made a name for himself among the cannabis websites. A real dr jeckle and mr hyde, that @OOBubblesOO character. ;-)


Staff member
I find it odd when people fly off the handle. Well, it's kinda amusing at times. I didn't know that Brick Tamland had made a name for himself among the cannabis websites. A real dr jeckle and mr hyde, that @OOBubblesOO character. ;-)
haha that bubbles guy hes all nice one minutes and crazy the next.

its amusing sometimes i agree its not amusing when its just directed at you
im pretty sure i look like this half the time im on here in my inbox