Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
dude had this 2 yr old heathen on his little potty...in the process of training
stood up for half a sec and sat on his shirt, then shit all over himself. ugh

ya hes a gangsta like you


Well-Known Member
wet trimming is better fyi... easier on you, and the bud, more efficient cure
man i hate dry leaves all over the house


Well-Known Member
Agree. Messy as hell, and the buds are fluffy. But, didn't really have a choice this round. They had to come down a week early, too, because of the move. Piss poor planning on my part.


Well-Known Member
Agree. Messy as hell, and the buds are fluffy. But, didn't really have a choice this round. They had to come down a week early, too, because of the move. Piss poor planning on my part.
Dry trimming, you can trim it wheneva though.
Take down off lines when dry, buck it up and then bin em or bag it. Trim at your leasure. I just don't see how anyone takes down big crops while trimming it at the same time.
Even with our big outdoor crops we would just hang it, bin it, then trim it. Smells really good after putting scissors to it:-)
Except for the lower shit that we ran through trim machines, it's dry trim wit scissors for us, indoor and out.
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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Are your dogs ok now ? Been thinking of you guys

Got baby's crib " bedding" (crib sheet and skirt) today it's a lot nicer than I thought it was going to bed
Little pricey though
I think they will be fine. They still are alert and darting around the house. I have been making the mistake of feeding them dog food tho. Everything online says to not feed them for 24 hours and offer ice chips.

Then I'm supposed to give them cooked rice and chicken broth for a day. Then slowly feed them dog food again.

Pics of the crib?


Well-Known Member
Well I'll be damned! The DMV said it would take 1 to 2 months to get my Colorado license plates. ..got them shits in 3 days.


Staff member
I think they will be fine. They still are alert and darting around the house. I have been making the mistake of feeding them dog food tho. Everything online says to not feed them for 24 hours and offer ice chips.

Then I'm supposed to give them cooked rice and chicken broth for a day. Then slowly feed them dog food again.

They have been throwing up whatever I feed them. Supposed to treat it like you would when people vomit.

Pics of the crib?
Not buying that till we move lower 48 my husbands mom wants to buy it from us and it can't be shipped up here so until we move which is less than a month after baby is born she will use something portable


Staff member
My husband told me the other night were driving when we move not flying

It includes a three day ferry ride in Alaska waters *puke*

And days of driving

But hey least I get Tim Hortons cause you gotta go through Canada !!!! And colourful real money again


Well-Known Member
about a dozen calls that I didn't answer, telling me it's supposed to snow, leaving messages. All before 5 am. I get it, you want to make sure that I'll get your lots cleared. But it hasn't even dropped a flake yet, but feel it necessary to call when you happen to wake up and read 2-6 inches In the fucking pm. Not even an inch, and the storm has passed. I'm calling these fuckers at midnight tonight asking if they still want it plowed. oh, you were sleeping? :finger:.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
My husband told me the other night were driving when we move not flying

It includes a three day ferry ride in Alaska waters *puke*

And days of driving

But hey least I get Tim Hortons cause you gotta go through Canada !!!! And colourful real money again
Tim Hortons where you going too.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'm in.
I read the Hugh Glass story probably 20 years or so ago - vaguely remember it. I should revisit the book & then watch the movie.

Yeah, a plan.
Let me know what you think of it when you see it. I'm thinking about going again this weekend. If the cinematographer or sound effects don't win an oscar for this one I'd be surprised. I keep on an on about the way the director used the lighting and it def. added to production time but so worth it. You can totally tell the dif. It feels like you are in the wilderness.


Staff member
Tim Hortons where you going too.
you have to travel through canada to get off alaska via the highway
so you ferry ride the alaska waters, get off in alaska, drive through alaska, drive through canada and get to your american border destination and drive to your place from there.

im not sure what exact canadian route we will take , it will be west coast (obviously) and all of canada has tim hortons so , either way i will be one fucking happy camper for a few days hahah