Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
really though...




Well-Known Member
I ran into a good friend of mine from cali I've known for years. Saw him over here in TX. A long time ago we went fishing and at the bait stand I was messing around and asked for "some of them there minners" Which was just a joke and would translate from strange stereotypical Texan talk to "Can I have some minnows?".. ANYWAYS, he actually believed I pronounced it that way since I'm a Texan haha.. He would tell me to say minnows in front of people and I would say minner and later let them in on the secret.

So yesterday he asks me to say it and I just couldn't find it in myself to tell him the sad truth.. Minners. He will go to his death bed thinking I say it that way.. At least when he dies, he'll die happy.


Ursus marijanus
The Poop-a-Lympics were wiimb's avatar. I wonder where he went. He was one of the stalwarts of the Doggies Nuts thread, an unfortunate victim of I forget what. cn


Well-Known Member
one day to get paid and the now waiting to go back to the book store to buy book till after. this state doesnt seem like it wants college people to go anywhere fast. i cant wait for a college that starts in august.


Well-Known Member
I bought a pipe today.. He's shaped like a bull.. His name is THE BISON.

When I hit it and leave some smoke in the chamber, the smoke slowly leaks out of his ass (carb) and his nose.. It looks he's pisseed and has to fart.. or he's pissed about farting?


Well-Known Member
I bought a pipe today.. He's shaped like a bull.. His name is THE BISON.

When I hit it and leave some smoke in the chamber, the smoke slowly leaks out of his ass (carb) and his nose.. It looks he's pisseed and has to fart.. or he's pissed about farting?
You gotta post a pic of that!