Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I get chewed out cuz I asked what Bubble and squeak was? jeez
It's some shit English dish. Mash and sausage I think? Idk? :)

Edit: I just googled it and it's even worse! Lol

  1. Bubble and squeak is a traditional English dish made with the shallow-fried leftover vegetables from a roast dinner. The main ingredients are potato and cabbage, but carrots, peas, Brussels sprouts, or any other leftover vegetables can be added.Wikipedia

    No can you see why I left? Lmao:)

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
gotta start prepping my veggie freezer meal list
so i can make my life easier after the baby arrives. for a bit.

so far i have veggie taco soup

im not very productive at this LOL
Proactive you mean?

Chili, soup, frozen fruits some form of vegan protien powder for smoothies, Granola bars, muffin mixes, pancake mixes..


Staff member
What do you value more?

Eating or upholding Italian traditions?
im not sure i understand this post of yours. not fully following along here
are you offended because you offered suggestions and i wont freeze my sauce ?

my cultural traditions are very close to my heart . you dont need to devalue that


Well-Known Member
Yeah if I wanted frozen sauce/pasta I would just wait for my Aunt and Uncle to invite me to Olive Garden again...

...and I would rather live off of nothing but potatoes for 20 years than be forced to eat at that god forsaken, pathetic excuse of a "restaurant" ever again.

Bubs :spew:


Staff member
Yeah if I wanted frozen sauce/pasta I would just wait for my Aunt and Uncle to invite me to Olive Garden again...

...and I would rather live off of nothing but potatoes for 20 years than be forced to eat at that god forsaken, pathetic excuse of a "restaurant" ever again.

Bubs :spew:
im a big fan of potatoes
never had olive garden before but i am going assume it does not represent my culture very well and is in the same kinda idea as Prego jarred sauce is


Well-Known Member
Well, the upside is that there's an ass load of different ways to prepare taters.

Just sayin.
This guy knows.

Different kinds of potatoes too. ; )

But for real...fuck Olive Garden...

I was just talking about potatoes recipes with @Blue Wizard

He mentioned these. Weird name, but they look so freaking good.
Bro that's exactly how my grandma used to make her potato dish for family meals. So dank.
I just call them cheesy potatoes tho.

You've inspired me to make them in the near future.

Bubs :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member