Random Jibber Jabber Thread

The whole relationship I didn't like you either
If you don't live on base I can't see how they can enforce that.
Base housing usually not here tho
Either way if i ever did get caught hubby can be deranked
It's just not a risk I'm willing to take that's his career
Our pay our family
Not to mention I'm going through immigration right now

It's just not worth the chance even if it's minimal
I knew this tho before I married him I made the choice I'm happy with it
Base housing usually not here tho
Either way if i ever did get caught hubby can be deranked
It's just not a risk I'm willing to take that's his career
Our pay our family
Not to mention I'm going through immigration right now

It's just not worth the chance even if it's minimal
I knew this tho before I married him I made the choice I'm happy with it
You have to do what you have to do...Seems kinda shitty that a soldier can lose rank for something a family member does...just sayin'...that's a high standard to be held to.