Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Staff member
you know what couldve prevented the gorilla from being shot?
not having animals who belong in the fucking wild captive for human fucking entertainment.

stop supporting zoos

child shouldve never been able to get into the damn gorilla pen in the first place
mother shouldve been more attentive to her child


Well-Known Member
you know what couldve prevented the gorilla from being shot?
not having animals who belong in the fucking wild captive for human fucking entertainment.

stop supporting zoos

child shouldve never been able to get into the damn gorilla pen in the first place
mother shouldve been more attentive to her child
I understand where your coming from, zoos in this country were horrible for a long time, but as long as they are being well cared for, what's the difference between a zoo and personal pets? No animal was meant to be held in captivity for our enjoyment, not even dogs and cats. What about fish that are pulled out of their natural habitat just to be room decorations? Lines get fuzzy.

I agree about the parents, probably think they did everything right.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I saw an illistration on the enclosure construction last night on the news (I was trimming so wasn't paying super close attention).
The thing looked to be about a 4 ft fence with 8 (ish) inches between vertical's, about 8 feet of level ground with vegetation on it, and then a 15 ft drop to the moat. An active little kid could easily slip through there in nothing flat.
I've heard them say the place has been inspected & deemed safe - Pfff, wonder what the standards are?

It's a damn shame all the way around - imagine how the poor shooter dude/dudette feels?


Well-Known Member
you know what couldve prevented the gorilla from being shot?
not having animals who belong in the fucking wild captive for human fucking entertainment.

stop supporting zoos

child shouldve never been able to get into the damn gorilla pen in the first place
mother shouldve been more attentive to her child
Sounds good in theory, i dont think animals should be locked up either but at the same time, ive been able to see animals i wouldve never seen in my lifetime because of zoos and seaworld and stuff ans im thankful for that. so i dunno. I just think its too late now. Any animal released at this point would just die anyway. Damage is done already. Real talk tho, a lil girl around the corner from me was just murdered by her moms bf. I could giva f less about that gorilla.


Well-Known Member
i know, well i think its not technically allowed.. but they (she)
can literally make anything if you have a design in mind... 420 related etc. im providing funds to send her to all kinds of art shows and what not, i hate seeing a friend held back by monetary constraints..wanna help her find success

im also drunk but i figured some of yall might like the possibilities..


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
i know, well i think its not technically allowed.. but they (she)
can literally make anything if you have a design in mind... 420 related etc. im providing funds to send her to all kinds of art shows and what not, i hate seeing a friend held back by monetary constraints..wanna help her find success

im also drunk but i figured some of yall might like the possibilities..
You are such a sweetie, don't worry I won't breathe a word, your secret is safe.


Well-Known Member
Gorilla this, gorilla that. Let's not forget the real issue here. Stupid fucking humans thinking it's okay to cage and parade these animals around for profit under the guise of "conservation" is fucking sick. I know I sound like a tree sucking hippie right now but the last time I visited a zoo I left bummed out and said I'd never go back.