Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Everything I've read says an unusually high number of males is grower error...

How the hell would you know when you're only 4 weeks in...

I would tell you off, but I see that you've already had your ass handed to you on a silver platter. I grow commercially, for a living, as many of these guys do. If you have a question, just ask the experts. You know you're 4 weeks in when you've been flowering for four weeks, just like you know you're 4 blocks from your house when you leave it and walk 4 blocks away :roll: Math isn't your strong suit. Cocky and stupid is a horrible combination...
Sorry champ two 600 watters ain't a commercial grow.

Yea...and you won't know what you have until you smoke it.

Actually you are dead wrong. Some time invested in book research is well spent; but only lab experience gels the knowledge and puts it in perspective and practice. You have no gravitas, and no experience, especially to be so arrogant. You aren't even in the snack category
Sorry champ two 600 watters ain't a commercial grow.

It's 2050 watts in lights, and about 700 watts in ac, but we're not looking to you for accurate math.

adjective: commercial; adjective: comm.
  1. 1.
    concerned with or engaged in commerce.
    "a commercial agreement"
    synonyms: trade, trading, business, private enterprise, mercantile, sales
    "a vessel built for commercial purposes"
  2. 2.
    making or intended to make a profit.
    "commercial products"
    synonyms: profit-oriented, money-oriented, materialistic, mercenary
You reveal the depths of your stupidity with every post, amazing. Are you a product of our public school system? I'm fretting for our future...

Yea...and you won't know what you have until you smoke it.

That's right. With a new strain, you don't know how it smokes until you smoke it. Such breath taking insight. My cat's breath smells like cat food...

Not sure if it is the sun setting or rising, but this first picture was taken from the surface of Mars by one of the rovers (can't remember which one). The second picture is from Hubble. Almost everything you see is a galaxy full of stars. To give you an idea of what we're talking about here I will say this: it is estimated that our own Milky Way galaxy contains 100 billion stars. The Milky Way is thought to be a pretty average sized galaxy. What we see is just a tiny, infinitesimal piece of our universe. And by the way, there are at least 100 billion galaxies in our observable universe. What if one day when we are terraforming Mars we will use cannabis to help give oxygen to its atmosphere. Could you imagine fields of cannabis stretching across the face of Mars? Just some random jibber jabber.

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