Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I can buy a watch from Ross too...kno a guy who sells fake rollies for 50$ too lol
You are tge same one wgo said "you can rerock tar"

Do u even heroin kiddo?

Wanna go ahead and ahow me ur big stash?

Please mr min wage show me your loot.

You inject tar ffs and sniff zanny

O my ur ballun

Lets show our stash. I can out ahine you on pills aline.

I got 132oc80/84/oc40/100perc5/641000mg morph buses/2000kpins/15*100mcgfent patches... I have kore let me count.

Small fish u bifocal needing lame
Your a fucking lame on house arrest in your moms basement , everybody knows your a fake keep tryn to be a big dog little pup...and I'd take the glasses of and beat your ass and choke you out half blind that's what a lil bitch you are
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Your a fucking lame on house arrest in your moms basement , everybody knows your a fake keep tryn to be a big dog little pup...and I'd take the glasses of and beat your ass and choke you out half blind that's what a lil bitch you are
Im a fake 100

Dude i sniff ur wage on a saturday night with thw tc crew.

Im so fake ask @abe supercro @qwizoking



Anyome else. They may see whay I have had this week alone.

You wanna do a pill or even a comparison of raw drogas?

Fucking pussy. Have u even aeen my house? Othera have.

Ahow up or shut up kid
Lets go. Qhen i finiah with tgis cuatoe ill text each of thpse people my percy bag.

Ill aemd them the pix.

Your a lame kiddo.

I am preppeing the pic. 22*kpin+2gh+3.5gsoft+.5Lghb

Want to aejs them a pic as well and prove your status kiddo