Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I put a rubberband around the handle to hold it just right because I had to use both hands to take a proper pic. The lighting is pretty poor so I held an led flashlight off to the side with one hand and took the pic with the other.
anything for the right shot..
When I was a kid, I had a Buffalo nickel that only had the buffalo side. The other side was a flex metal tiny water container. There was a pin hole by the buffalo's penis. You'd tell a friend, 'hey, look at this nickel' then squeeze the other side and the buffalo would pee in his face.

My fucking 4th grade teacher confiscated it and never gave it back. I hope she had fun with it. I never liked her anyway.
I absolutely love this place. Where else might I hear about insidious micobot buffalo hiding in fake legal tender so that they might spread their venom!? As they co-opt red-blooded Space Age American kids!
Did y'all know they sell dildos on Amazon? Don't ask me how I know that.

Ok I tell ya anyway. I wanna play ding dong ditch, but without the ding. Just dong ditch. The rules are simple, you just throw dildos at people's doors. When they open it, they'll find a tasty little treat at their doorstep.

I wonder if they give discounts for buying dildos in bulk. Is that a thing? "Let me get a case of dildos sir"
Did y'all know they sell dildos on Amazon? Don't ask me how I know that.

Ok I tell ya anyway. I wanna play ding dong ditch, but without the ding. Just dong ditch. The rules are simple, you just throw dildos at people's doors. When they open it, they'll find a tasty little treat at their doorstep.

I wonder if they give discounts for buying dildos in bulk. Is that a thing? "Let me get a case of dildos sir"

No, no, no. Get more creative. Stick them under peoples windshield wipers at walmart, like you're passing out flyers or something.
No, no, no. Get more creative. Stick them under peoples windshield wipers at walmart, like your passing out flyers or something.
Oh well in that case, I could really take advantage of that. Have a logo printed on it with your phone number or website. Then folks would be like "wtf is this dildo doing on my windshield? Oh look honey, they're giving a 15% discount on oil changes at the local jiffy lube!"