Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Currently relistening to my favourite albums of this year while drinking.

Too much music for me too handle without a few drinks eh moi8s

I am heavily leaning towards "worry" by Jeff Rosenstock as my favourite.

So much musics so many diff genres.

Got a 26 of makers mark and some homebrew.

Camp cope also had a pretty dope album as well.

Embrace me with your favouritest albums of this year and I will listen with me cats while having a sensible drink or so
Whenever someone resurrects a zombie thread I notice that while it meanders off track and often derails completely that the posts are generally lighter and less malicious. Shit is still given, yes, but with more levity. Seems the recent culling and/or disinterest of many valuable contributors to TNT has upset the balance. When those members were around TNT had a funny way of policing itself better.

What happened to TNT?

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I've sat in that same chair 4 different times & @ 1cm she's def not ready yet.

Pro Tip; Watch the hand holding whilst she's contracting, it's hell on your knuckles. :wink:

LOL when she lets go of your hand and attempts to rip your face off you are close :)

I was just going to say holding it is better than getting hit by it. My experience was that it was more fun after it was over. A lot of stress for everyone while it's happening.