Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Duly noted.

I am trying to recall if I know any lebanese women now and feel the only know 2 or 3. Will definitely try and see what their moms look like.

Yes. A line I aways found useful a few decades back was, 'hi good looking, how's your boy friend treating you and what does your mom look like?'

Feel free to try it. When they're alone of course, with a tasteful tone.
Yes. A line I aways found useful a few decades back was, 'hi good looking, how's your boy friend treating you and what does your mom look like?'

Feel free to try it. When they're alone of course, with a tasteful tone.
I have a natural charm tbph. My boyiah young looks and complete innocence is a benefit.

Lately only been sleeping with sluts and by that I mean they letting me in for that coca connect.

Im suddenly sad. :(
Knockknockknock quick like

Is this the universal police knock?

Fucking pigs. "Are you sf?"


"Why didn't you amswer the door earlier"

"Probably asleep or whatever people do."

15 min later I was told they informing the p.o I never amswer my door. Got me paro as my c.s.o officer is a real prick.

I allegedly wasnt home ;) but like honestly I don't answer my door often as I know when someone is coming over.

My house smelled like a skunk just cut down a pine tree while a freah pot of coffee was being brewed

Plus side. That little bitty officer is a cute thing. She probably moiast seeing sf in his sweater woth a toger in traditional head gear eyes red as her period, my house shoes are the nike raptors. Purrty sexy

I am trying to cook myaelf dinner while having a pounding head ache/ neck pains that make me wince qith each movement.

I make it known that if you havent even been locked up before I have a lot less truat for you.

It is a great thing never being locked up before but thw truth is, people fuxking suck qhen faced with a sentence.

Your word is only so good till your looking at a sheet of paper thay says you are going away for 4+ years.

2+a day= fed time and niggas start worrying. Like calm down fed time ia much better then detention. I rarely trust someone who aint been in that before...

I know some serious people thay couldn't handle 6montha before snitching at trial, while my homie did real time. He geta out next week

I gift my fam with a tool, bit of cash and some product. Boy done 7years its the least.

So I talked about this before and I fidn it interesting.

So most people dont realise that our internal voice(thoughts) are processed at the same speed which wespeak.

That is all limited by breathing/ speach problema and qhat haveyou.

Ia that not a weird thing.

Since you so vehemtly protested this was incorrect becauseyou can think before speaking?

I really hope our resident dunce abe comes in with his explanation of "we are able to think before we speak" arguement.

Im sûre anyone with half a brain understands the difference between an internal thought and outward speach.

Will recheck this for inconsciente thoughts or errors after a quick nap.