Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I just want to go Crawl into my opiate induced coma.

let this hit be my last and I mean that.

imma smash .2 n say fuck this shit.\

smoking a wood right rnow ready to smash a boy
@UncleBuck aren't you popping a tiny human out too? Or a girl you know is? Seems like I heard something like that awhile ago. Seems like it's been cooking for a year or something. How long are they in the bigger humans for again? You got like 2 days to scare her to induce labor and maybe I can still nominate you for best new dad alongside dangledo and Bob. How's it going?
@UncleBuck aren't you popping a tiny human out too? Or a girl you know is? Seems like I heard something like that awhile ago. Seems like it's been cooking for a year or something. How long are they in the bigger humans for again? You got like 2 days to scare her to induce labor and maybe I can still nominate you for best new dad alongside dangledo and Bob. How's it going?

i decided to focus more aggressively on developing a long term cocaine abuse habit. still working on finding a dealer tough. wheels move slowly.
holla at me ill be ur east coast snow mayne.

we can do 45 for the first ki the next two are a gift from canada,

don't fuk this up and not make pay day bro, u can sll a ki in 2 days at 2 strip clubs. them bitches love cocaine
it is impossible to abuse cocaine.

Says the crackhead lmfao.
i am a dealer and user.

life sucks smoke a rock or two fam
ya I can stop cocaine n meth use at anytime... o they al say tht but im coming off a break.

i cannot quit heroin.

o ya truth is I only quit crack cuz i got none but you givmme that rock imma tuk it

yes im a crack fiend

1, 2, 3,
A high speed 3 car rear end collision. Bob was in car 2.
Drivers in cars 1 and 3 are in serious condition.

This video is a repost from the WWW. I have no connection with the production of nor original posting of the following video.
This is essentially what Bobs last seconds looked like only at a MUCH faster speed.

1st car and 2nd car were slowing at an intersection to make a left hand turn. 3rd car never slowed down, Pinched Bob in his seat. I saw the pictures of his truck after the accident. It's no wonder they had a closed casket service.

During the service the Pastor asked if anyone had anything they wanted to share about their relationship or had been helped by Bob. Must have been 25 or more folks to have kind and inspirational things to say about him.

Then some weird shit started to happen. The Pastor announced that Bob's granddaughter was going to sing. She performed a very emotionally and passion charged dance infused with SIGN LANGUAGE. Bob was not deaf or mute. No one in Bob's family line is deaf or mute.
I don't know everyone that was there but I'm sure I would have met some folks that were deaf and/or mute and the rest of the service would have been broadcast in sign language if it would have been needed.

I have noted that Bob was christian. He was "HELL FIRE AND BRIMSTONE" Baptist Christian.
The "singing mute" had the seat in front of me at the gravesite. Tattooed in the center of her shoulderblades was "SOLUS CHRISTUS" in big bold block/latin font.

Now I never had a conversation with Bob about tattoos but I know enough about him to say I'm sure he would not have approved of tattoos on young and impressionable girls. How would that argument go? your body is the temple of christ. Yes but now my skin is a canvas for christ alone.:fire::roll:

Fast forward to Bobs house after the wake. Some of the folks I do not know, some I have met 2 or 3 times in 30 years and others maybe see them 1 every 5 years whether we needed to or not.
Ive little to nothing in common with hardly any of these people.

So I'm sitting by my wife, useing her as a shield, my wife is a champion talker, when
Bob's youngest daughter comes and starts to try and chat me up.

You have been sitting over here all night and have not said a word. Are you ok?
Oh yes I just don't have a lot to say. I'm good. (why tell her my burdens)
You look like you have something on your mind {funny look eyebrow up}
You can talk with me if you like.{sly wink slight smile/smirk}

Well I ain't exactly stupid, this chick wanted something, she wanted me to smoke her up or most likely to finagle a joint, and I was in no position to oblige her.

It was about then I started steering my wife to the door,

Back home again. It was nice to see those family members rarely seen.
I'm sure that there are many I will not see again.




1st car and 2nd car were slowing at an intersection to make a left hand turn. 3rd car never slowed down, Pinched Bob in his seat. I saw the pictures of his truck after the accident. It's no wonder they had a closed casket service.

During the service the Pastor asked if anyone had anything they wanted to share about their relationship or had been helped by Bob. Must have been 25 or more folks to have kind and inspirational things to say about him.

Then some weird shit started to happen. The Pastor announced that Bob's granddaughter was going to sing. She performed a very emotionally and passion charged dance infused with SIGN LANGUAGE. Bob was not deaf or mute. No one in Bob's family line is deaf or mute.
I don't know everyone that was there but I'm sure I would have met some folks that were deaf and/or mute and the rest of the service would have been broadcast in sign language if it would have been needed.

I have noted that Bob was christian. He was "HELL FIRE AND BRIMSTONE" Baptist Christian.
The "singing mute" had the seat in front of me at the gravesite. Tattooed in the center of her shoulderblades was "SOLUS CHRISTUS" in big bold block/latin font.

Now I never had a conversation with Bob about tattoos but I know enough about him to say I'm sure he would not have approved of tattoos on young and impressionable girls. How would that argument go? your body is the temple of christ. Yes but now my skin is a canvas for christ alone.:fire::roll:

Fast forward to Bobs house after the wake. Some of the folks I do not know, some I have met 2 or 3 times in 30 years and others maybe see them 1 every 5 years whether we needed to or not.
Ive little to nothing in common with hardly any of these people.

So I'm sitting by my wife, useing her as a shield, my wife is a champion talker, when
Bob's youngest daughter comes and starts to try and chat me up.

You have been sitting over here all night and have not said a word. Are you ok?
Oh yes I just don't have a lot to say. I'm good. (why tell her my burdens)
You look like you have something on your mind {funny look eyebrow up}
You can talk with me if you like.{sly wink slight smile/smirk}

Well I ain't exactly stupid, this chick wanted something, she wanted me to smoke her up or most likely to finagle a joint, and I was in no position to oblige her.

It was about then I started steering my wife to the door,

Back home again. It was nice to see those family members rarely seen.
I'm sure that there are many I will not see again.



I don't doubt those weird happenings any more. A friend once explained to me that we humans are most susceptible to energies we ordinarily wall off ... at times of greatest human "motion" for lack of a better term. Being near a death or a birth are the usual times and places for "the veil" between our seemingly nice and neat objective world to thin enough. Thank you for daring those details. I'd plus rep you ...