Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Buzzkill: One of my cats (Callie) was diagnosed with kidney failure last Wednesday. She started pissing in strange places (grr...) and I noticed that the pee was slightly pink.
Not cool.
My hunch was right when the tests came back.
Our vet threw out some weird animal vs human statistics, but it boils down to a 75% loss of function.
Not sure how much longer she has.
Mrs. Stool and I do not believe in prolonging a life of pain & suffering.
On the bright side, her infection has cleared up and Callie has stopped pissing on the dog beds.
(Dogs are *really* happy about that.)

Sorry for posting bad news. This makes me sad... :cry:
Coincidentally I just read Wikipedia's page on blue whales too
You're going to find this extremely hard to believe... but I already knew that information. I did copy and paste a quote from the net so that people wouldn't doubt me when I said that their tongue can weigh as much as an elephant. I create threads every once in awhile in the science/tech forums. If you like science you should read my thread on Chinese scientists finding a fossilized dinosaur tail.... replete with intact hair. https://www.rollitup.org/t/feathere...-in-amber-in-china-proof-of-evolution.929291/
Buzzkill: One of my cats (Callie) was diagnosed with kidney failure last Wednesday. She started pissing in strange places (grr...) and I noticed that the pee was slightly pink.
Not cool.
My hunch was right when the tests came back.
Our vet threw out some weird animal vs human statistics, but it boils down to a 75% loss of function.
Not sure how much longer she has.
Mrs. Stool and I do not believe in prolonging a life of pain & suffering.
On the bright side, her infection has cleared up and Callie has stopped pissing on the dog beds.
(Dogs are *really* happy about that.)

Sorry for posting bad news. This makes me sad... :cry:
:cry: It's tough to lose pets. At least you have other pets to help you cope. Condolences.
A friend of mine, "S", started dating a new boyfriend a few months ago.
Through a mutual friend I have been informed that the BF still has an open account
at a dating.com web site. I'm told that S does not know about this recent revelation.

As the story was told to me, ex GF found out on Friday that BF had a new GF.
Ex GF "remembered" she had his password to the dating site.
Why did anyone but BF have his password to such sensitive information
you may ask? No one here can guess the answer to that. It could be he was stupid and
gave it to her or he is so stupid to use the same password to every web account he may have.

Either way ex GF decided to login to his dating.com account and make the following changes.

I am looking for a strong woman that likes strap-ons and likes to go to pound town.
Having muscular forearms is a must in case the penis pump breaks.

Here it is worthy of noting that BF had sent numerous dick pics to her as well.

Before she logged out her last change was to change his pic.
To a close up pic of his own dick.

picture posted here has been edited and is not the pic posted on the dating.com site.

It is still undecided if anyone will be informing S of these shenanigans.

The site changes were made on Friday and the page is still active,
complete with his saluting shlong, as of this writing.


Buzzkill: One of my cats (Callie) was diagnosed with kidney failure last Wednesday. She started pissing in strange places (grr...) and I noticed that the pee was slightly pink.
Not cool.
My hunch was right when the tests came back.
Our vet threw out some weird animal vs human statistics, but it boils down to a 75% loss of function.
Not sure how much longer she has.
Mrs. Stool and I do not believe in prolonging a life of pain & suffering.
On the bright side, her infection has cleared up and Callie has stopped pissing on the dog beds.
(Dogs are *really* happy about that.)

Sorry for posting bad news. This makes me sad... :cry:

I can't like that. Hope your cat doesn't suffer.

I am always crushed to have to put down a beloved pet. I love my pets more than I love most people.
I am off to get some new ID with <3 and then catch a movie and possibly buy some new clothes.

Lunch is open to be had, drinks are highly likely. Rolled up 3 backwoods for while out and about.

ta' hell with whale tongues:

Penis size for the blue whale can vary depending on genetics and the overall size of the whale with the average penis length estimated to be between 8 – 10 ft. long.

Interestingly although their penis is relatively long the average diameter of the penis is estimated to be about 1 ft., with larger whales growing between 15 – 18 inches in diameter.

In terms of weight the estimated weight of a blue whales penis is assumed to be between 390 – 990 lbs. depending on the penises overall size.

The testicles are also relatively large weighing in at up to 150 lbs. per testicle with smaller testicles weighing 100 lbs or less

Anybody know how to get free Pandora One since the update? Haven't found anything on YouTube yet that works for an Android. :-?
Buzzkill: One of my cats (Callie) was diagnosed with kidney failure last Wednesday. She started pissing in strange places (grr...) and I noticed that the pee was slightly pink.
Not cool.
My hunch was right when the tests came back.
Our vet threw out some weird animal vs human statistics, but it boils down to a 75% loss of function.
Not sure how much longer she has.
Mrs. Stool and I do not believe in prolonging a life of pain & suffering.
On the bright side, her infection has cleared up and Callie has stopped pissing on the dog beds.
(Dogs are *really* happy about that.)

Sorry for posting bad news. This makes me sad... :cry:

I am sorry for this. I have a couple suggestions that might help you. You need to up the fluid intake of your pet and lower the phosphorous content of her diet. The proteins need to be easily digestible. This web page does a good job of explaining it.

Good luck and let me know how this turns out.
I am sorry for this. I have a couple suggestions that might help you. You need to up the fluid intake of your pet and lower the phosphorous content of her diet. The proteins need to be easily digestible. This web page does a good job of explaining it.

Good luck and let me know how this turns out.
Thanks C2G. I appreciate your help.
We are switching the cats to a "kidney friendly" diet. All three cats are related (same mom, different dads) so it may prevent problems with the other two. Callie is also going back to the vet today for a blood pressure test. Apparently high BP can be a big factor.
We just want to keep her healthy enough to live out the rest of her life comfortably. Yesterday she acted like she was feeling better, but not so much today. :-(
pandora one is the paid pandora. i had same problem as 420.. i downloaded the paid one onto my phone then it auto updated lol. lost it
Rule #1 is not to have updates set to auto.

Smh at you noobs. I will send a few texts asking if anyone knows.

If I get a method back I will message the two of you.
