Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Didn't you divorce your wife because she was a nigger lover?

eeeeeek Kodank a little crazy that post was lol

Yeah Kodank, what are you, a white supremecist?!?!?!?!?

That is a quote from Dave Chappelle:mrgreen:

You don't say?........

So I went out last night and decided to go into work, had a hot lead coming in.. The second we left the lot on a test drive I wasn't feeling to hot, so I threw up a little bit later and it stunk of booze. Quite the silent ride back to the lot, and I just walked to my truck after and left haha no idea how that turned out, I'm sure ill hear bout it tomorrow
Ok, I was able to make it work. For those who understand legal ease, I ask for your input on this Bond application. It sounds like they don't really protect you for anything, they can cancel you anytime and keep your money, and a whole host of other ridiculously one sided agreements. Is it just me? To all else, I apologize for the post.

The undersigned hereby declarethe above statements are true and correct and made as an inducement for theSurety/Agent, to execute the bond applied for herein and any renewals,continuations, extensions, substitutions or increases thereof. The undersigned,jointly and severally agree:

FIRST: To pay the Surety/Agent in advance the premium for the first year , which is fully earned , and to pay inadvance any renewal or additional premium until the bond is released from all liability;

SECOND: to indemnify theSurety/Agent against all loss, liability, costs, damages, attorney andcollection fees and any other expenses which might be incurred by reason ofexecuting said bond, in prosecuting or defending an action thereon, inobtaining a release, and enforcing this Agreement;

THIRD: the Surety is authorizedto adjust, settle or compromise any claim, demand, suit or judgment upon saidbond, and the indemnitors shall deposit sufficient funds with the Surety tosatisfy same;

FOURTH: that in the event of goodfaith payment, settlement, or compromise, an itemized statement thereof,vouchers or other evidence of
payment shall be
prima facie evidence of the fact of the liabilityof the undersigned;

FIFTH: the Surety shall have theabsolute right to cancel the bond pursuant to a cancellation clause in the bondor procure its release from said bond under any law governing same and theSurety is hereby released from any damage that might be sustained by reason ofsuch cancellation or release;

SIXTH: if the bond herein appliedfor is on behalf of two or more principals, it is agreed and understood the indemnityshall apply and be binding upon the undersigned, regardless of whether theundersigned or any one or more of them, is freed of liability in the cause in whichthe bond herein applied for is required;

SEVENTH: if the Surety/Agentcommence legal action relative to this agreement, the surety may at its optionbring the action in King County, Washington or in an appropriate court havingjurisdiction over the parties;

EIGHTH: To allow the Surety/Agentto obt ain credit information on the undersigned for any business purposerelative to this application/indemnity agreement;

NINTH: if the bond applied for ison behalf of a corporation, the officer signing said agreement shall beindividually and personally bound with the corporation to the terms of thisagreement;

TENTH: this agreement may be terminatedby the indemnitors upon twenty (20) days written notice sent by registered mailto the Agent or Surety, but termination shall not relieve the indemnitors fromany liability that accrued on the bond prior to the effective date of thetermination or the release of all liability under the bond if the bond isnon-cancelable;

ELEVENTH: an electronic or facsimile copy of this signed application shall betreated as an original and be admissible as and to the same extent as theoriginal document.

TWELFTH: this agreement shall beand is in addition to, and not In lieu of, any and all other rights, powers,and remedies which the Surety may have or acquire against the Principals andIndemnitors or others whether by the terms of any other agreement or byoperation of law otherwise. This Agreement shall apply to all bondsplaced on behalf of the principal and indemnitors byFrontier Bonding Service, Inc. and may apply to one or moresureties.
Ok, I was able to make it work. For those who understand legal ease, I ask for your input on this Bond application. It sounds like they don't really protect you for anything, they can cancel you anytime and keep your money, and a whole host of other ridiculously one sided agreements. Is it just me? To all else, I apologize for the post.

The undersigned hereby declarethe above statements are true and correct and made as an inducement for theSurety/Agent, to execute the bond applied for herein and any renewals,continuations, extensions, substitutions or increases thereof. The undersigned,jointly and severally agree:

FIRST: To pay the Surety/Agent in advance the premium for the first year , which is fully earned , and to pay inadvance any renewal or additional premium until the bond is released from all liability;

SECOND: to indemnify theSurety/Agent against all loss, liability, costs, damages, attorney andcollection fees and any other expenses which might be incurred by reason ofexecuting said bond, in prosecuting or defending an action thereon, inobtaining a release, and enforcing this Agreement;

THIRD: the Surety is authorizedto adjust, settle or compromise any claim, demand, suit or judgment upon saidbond, and the indemnitors shall deposit sufficient funds with the Surety tosatisfy same;

FOURTH: that in the event of goodfaith payment, settlement, or compromise, an itemized statement thereof,vouchers or other evidence of
payment shall be
prima facie evidence of the fact of the liabilityof the undersigned;

FIFTH: the Surety shall have theabsolute right to cancel the bond pursuant to a cancellation clause in the bondor procure its release from said bond under any law governing same and theSurety is hereby released from any damage that might be sustained by reason ofsuch cancellation or release;

SIXTH: if the bond herein appliedfor is on behalf of two or more principals, it is agreed and understood the indemnityshall apply and be binding upon the undersigned, regardless of whether theundersigned or any one or more of them, is freed of liability in the cause in whichthe bond herein applied for is required;

SEVENTH: if the Surety/Agentcommence legal action relative to this agreement, the surety may at its optionbring the action in King County, Washington or in an appropriate court havingjurisdiction over the parties;

EIGHTH: To allow the Surety/Agentto obt ain credit information on the undersigned for any business purposerelative to this application/indemnity agreement;

NINTH: if the bond applied for ison behalf of a corporation, the officer signing said agreement shall beindividually and personally bound with the corporation to the terms of thisagreement;

TENTH: this agreement may be terminatedby the indemnitors upon twenty (20) days written notice sent by registered mailto the Agent or Surety, but termination shall not relieve the indemnitors fromany liability that accrued on the bond prior to the effective date of thetermination or the release of all liability under the bond if the bond isnon-cancelable;

ELEVENTH: an electronic or facsimile copy of this signed application shall betreated as an original and be admissible as and to the same extent as theoriginal document.

TWELFTH: this agreement shall beand is in addition to, and not In lieu of, any and all other rights, powers,and remedies which the Surety may have or acquire against the Principals andIndemnitors or others whether by the terms of any other agreement or byoperation of law otherwise. This Agreement shall apply to all bondsplaced on behalf of the principal and indemnitors byFrontier Bonding Service, Inc. and may apply to one or moresureties.

Context of what this is for?

Also, I'm getting tired of women and their shit.