puxatony phil or however you spell his name is a lying sack of shit lol. We're getting a ton of snow and an inch of ice, then more snow tomorrow morning. Where is spring!? I'm selling my pocket bike. Had the cops called on me just putsing around the area going slow, 20 mph at the top and 10 mph average. We used to be able to ride whatever the hell we want on these back roads but now there's a crime watch (some asshole was stealing radios for like, a day) and people have this new sense of entitlement and are calling the cops on everyone for everything. Worst part is we don't have local cops here so the staties have to come. What the hell is calling them going to accomplish? By the time they get all the way out here the person will be looonnngggg gone. Well, it'll be about half a grand in my pocket once it's gone so I guess that's a plus but I'll miss it!
Two other run ins I had with these idiots thinking they are the law now. First I was riding my bike (pedal bike this time) with a friend, we were laughing and talking about random, good hearted things. Going down the road some bitch came out of her house and scowled at us (we were being quiet mind you, like she didn't hear us coming, she saw us) she watched us go down the road, turn at the end, then come back. I saw she was still there with this rediculous "if you so much as flinch I'll call the cops" look on her face so in an attempt to make her realize we were fine I smiled, nodded, waved then said hello politely as we passed. Her facial expression didn't crack at all. It took a lot of self control to not get off my bike and flip out on her. It was also the middle of the day, bright as hell and we looked like the most innocent, non conspicuous people on the planet, not even sunglasses on.
The other time I can understand slightly more but still. Another friend and I went for a walk at night, again we were just talking quietly and walking, no loitering or anything. Some mofo came riding down a road at us on what may have been a quad, then flashed their lights on us probably trying to get us to go talk to them and explain ourselves. How dare two people go for a walk right? To keep myself from going off on them we just kept walking away and ignored them. You are random asshole old people citizens, get off your 'crime watch' high horses.

End rant.