Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
After my grandfather died in '05 I made sure to take a copy of the Colonel's army survival he was issued. Small book with lots of good info even if it's from the 50's. The illustrations about fighting japanese soldiers hand to hand are quite racially insensitive. Germans are referred to as "Krauts" as well.


Well-Known Member
youre gunna have a fun time luggin canned goods around.:| unless your survival kit is a stay put one.
Multi-purpose. Not lots to carry, great little vitamin packs. The dry goods are the important parts, at least city-wise. Out of the city, and I've been hunting with a bow for over 35 years. In an invasion scenario, my boss said he'd gladly pass me a couple rifles, we're well armed in that scenario, and everyone I work with is either retired military, ex-cons, or both. Travel to the closest meeting place is 20 miles. With 5 vehicles to get me from A to B, I can manage. In a medical pandemic, everything is already in place to just vacate civilization, right in the middle of it. Abundant fresh water, filtered and stored, heat and cooling sources (think CO2 production...) grill with gas, additional grill for wood, wood supply. Generator in place, guard dogs, and plenty of frozen supplies, ability to quarantine/harden about a 1/4 acre so that food can be grown. There are 3 of us and 2 dogs I would take care of. Everyone else goes in my ration pack.

While I fantasize about the invasion scenario, I'm not stupid, I know that what's more likely is a melt-down scenario, where a pandemic hits the 17-40 healthy males again (like the Spanish Flu) and causes military and financial collapse. An attempt to enforce marshal law would most likely be made... In the collapse scenario, staying put and having fire as my ally, I can't help but come out ahead. (and a warlord!)


Staff member
Multi-purpose. Not lots to carry, great little vitamin packs. The dry goods are the important parts, at least city-wise. Out of the city, and I've been hunting with a bow for over 35 years. In an invasion scenario, my boss said he'd gladly pass me a couple rifles, we're well armed in that scenario, and everyone I work with is either retired military, ex-cons, or both. Travel to the closest meeting place is 20 miles. With 5 vehicles to get me from A to B, I can manage. In a medical pandemic, everything is already in place to just vacate civilization, right in the middle of it. Abundant fresh water, filtered and stored, heat and cooling sources (think CO2 production...) grill with gas, additional grill for wood, wood supply. Generator in place, guard dogs, and plenty of frozen supplies, ability to quarantine/harden about a 1/4 acre so that food can be grown. There are 3 of us and 2 dogs I would take care of. Everyone else goes in my ration pack.

While I fantasize about the invasion scenario, I'm not stupid, I know that what's more likely is a melt-down scenario, where a pandemic hits the 17-40 healthy males again (like the Spanish Flu) and causes military and financial collapse. An attempt to enforce marshal law would most likely be made... In the collapse scenario, staying put and having fire as my ally, I can't help but come out ahead. (and a warlord!)
im kinda tiny so my pack needs to be not heavy , i also try to pack for a bit of each situation as, i cannot pin point one but if it was to me, i would say pandemic would be the one to hit really hard, too much shit is too resistant now a days, interesting how each person prepares big difference between the family person prep and the single living prep


Well-Known Member
im kinda tiny so my pack needs to be not heavy , i also try to pack for a bit of each situation as, i cannot pin point one but if it was to me, i would say pandemic would be the one to hit really hard, too much shit is too resistant now a days, interesting how each person prepares big difference between the family person prep and the single living prep
Fuckedy fuck fuck! Does everyone have a plan?

I'm lucky to have 2 days worth of food in the house. I could get a cat incase shit gets rough I suppose.


Well-Known Member
I have 20 cases of Ramon and a water purifier. And I won't worrie about anything else, it's nice living semiremote.


Well-Known Member
you guys play too many video games lol
IF, not when, this happens i don't want to live thru it. i will take care of myself and mrs sunny should she ask. we won't mind leaving as we have a much better place waiting for us :eyesmoke:
sw model 66.jpg


Well-Known Member
I got my race quad and a practice replica, that sounds like the start of a mad max gang if you ask me... I'm trying to teach my girl to ride but she can hop on the back... So I got an extra quad Sunni you got the supplies ill meat you at your house :mrgreen:

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Howdy Yall.......well..Its down the road time for me and I see that some of yall traveled quite a few miles since I last saw yall.....Sunni....did you even get any sleep....looks like some of you guys ran a marathon...??????