Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
this kid makes me giggle, he has a whole series on "how to smoke weed" :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
It amazes me what people spend on condos and apartments in a city. Less than 1000 sq/ft for $350,000!? HGTV pisses me off.


New Member
FUCK ME ! I just got called into work for tomorrow. AGH FAWK.Its ten oclock at night.WTF.

At least I can burn if I need to during the day


Well-Known Member
The wife on the Goerge Lopez sitcom has a nice as. And the white bitch that just came in their back yard has succulent tits.


Well-Known Member
I remember I was at a party and some bitch whispered in my ear trying to be sexy and she totally had dick breath. I was so grossed out. Almost barfed up all my liquor and drugs.


Staff member
its my moms birthday today, gotta run to the headshop before i go over tomorrow! yay presents!