Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I never learned much of the constellations, my step dad wanted to teach me, but we were at each other's throats too often for any of that to happen.


Ursus marijanus
I never learned much of the constellations, my step dad wanted to teach me, but we were at each other's throats too often for any of that to happen.
That can be tough. I tried/am trying to get my own children interested, but without success. I don't have the same hobbies my dad did either, and he was a decent sort. cn


Well-Known Member
I have a theory that this is why I'm not very manly in the traditional sense. My dad's a racist bible thumping Southern Baptist preacher, and my step dad was a full-blown alcoholic. You know, all those stupid little experiences you miss out on, I had to learn to shave from a book.

I'm not complaining, just saying that lack of a male role model may have had me turn to my mother for guidance, and she was a house-wife most of her life. Maybe that's where my happy to stay in thing comes from. Either way I'm glad I didn't end up like either of the "father figures" I had.


Well-Known Member
I have a theory that this is why I'm not very manly in the traditional sense. My dad's a racist bible thumping Southern Baptist preacher, and my step dad was a full-blown alcoholic. You know, all those stupid little experiences you miss out on, I had to learn to shave from a book.

I'm not complaining, just saying that lack of a male role model may have had me turn to my mother for guidance, and she was a house-wife most of her life. Maybe that's where my happy to stay in thing comes from. Either way I'm glad I didn't end up like either of the "father figures" I had.
My father is a racist Bible thumping Southern EX Baptist preacher AND a full blown alcoholic! I'm not being facetious, i'm serious. Just. Pointing out connections. Sorry. Nevermind. Blah.


Well-Known Member
My father is a racist Bible thumping Southern EX Baptist preacher AND a full blown alcoholic! I'm not being facetious, i'm serious. Just. Pointing out connections. Sorry. Nevermind. Blah.
Don't be sorry, we're building a profile of intelligent smokers and crazy people. So far we have hate, religion, and booze. Sounds like we're talking about Congress, LOL!


Well-Known Member
I love the night sky. I remember seeing haleys comet. Hale Bopp, the space station, satelittes, shooting stars, meteor showers, constellations, Eclipses, the northern lights. Some of the greatest events you can experience as a human.


Well-Known Member
I love the night sky. I remember seeing haleys comet. Hale Bopp, the space station, satelittes, shooting stars, meteor showers, constellations, Eclipses, the northern lights. Some of the greatest events you can experience as a human.
Maybe, but I remember being told one time to make sure to not spend all your time looking up, or you'll break your ankle in a pothole.


Well-Known Member
On another note...how perfect is it that April 20th is a Saturday this year? I love it when days I look forward to are on days I CAN look forward to.


Well-Known Member
Maybe, but I remember being told one time to make sure to not spend all your time looking up, or you'll break your ankle in a pothole.
That's why we have gravity chairs. The night sky I have access to is simply amazing. There's an isthmus involved to get there.


Well-Known Member
Who all is going to Colorado for 4/20? Cuz I am soooo going to be in Colorado for it lol.
...Not me, for sure. I'd be surprised if I left the house by then. Although I DO have to make a dentist appointment and get all my teeth ripped/cut out. But I'm still in the whole "I don't wanna and you can't make me" phase of that one.


Ursus marijanus
That's why we have gravity chairs. The night sky I have access to is simply amazing. There's an isthmus involved to get there.
I had access for a while to one of those hinged ab workout chairs. I stayed paunchy but spent lots of time with my binos at night. cn


Well-Known Member
...Not me, for sure. I'd be surprised if I left the house by then. Although I DO have to make a dentist appointment and get all my teeth ripped/cut out. But I'm still in the whole "I don't wanna and you can't make me" phase of that one.
Oh...oh God....that just makes me hold my mouth in sympathy pain...


Well-Known Member
Oh...oh God....that just makes me hold my mouth in sympathy pain...
Meh, the pain is easy to handle, it's the dental anxiety that gets me. When a dentist even is just poking around doing a routine exam I freak out so bad I had one guy tell me if I ever came back they were going to write me a prescription for valium. That's why I found a local oral surgeon who does sedation dentistry. I figure if I'm out, I can't freak out...but then I just freak out beforehand because I've never been put under sedation, and I stop breathing while I sleep sometimes, have been known to do everything asleep that I can do awake except drive, and once had an entire fist fight while asleep.

So I freak out, and don't make the call, and nothing ever gets fixed.


Well-Known Member
If your serious....I might be able to hook you up....I have contacts. But its a long haul.....talk about solitude....I like my solitude but I like being in control of it as well. Those posts are seasonal and very remote.
I have 1 friend that years ago we found a big bedroom mirror and nailed him from town to the lookout ontop the local Mt. here, he said he about jumped outta the lookout when the light hit!!!


Well-Known Member
For me, I had an eating disorder for a long time, so the tiniest prompting in my mouth would make me gag. My brain was just programmed that way. So the dentist was a nightmare. They started giving me Nitrous Oxide...ya. That is just hilarious. I *cannot* stop laughing. And the entire fucking time I am sitting there thinking "Oh. My. God. Shut the fuck up. Just stop laughing. STOP IT. Stop laughing. This is not funny. There is nothing funny happening." And what's worse is, the dentist and assistant usually start cracking up too, because apparently this kind of reaction to such a low dose of Nitrous Oxide is only typical in children. (I'm telling you. Lightweight from hell.) So then I have all these shaky ass hands squirming in my laughing mouth. It's terrible lol. But now I just smoke before I go.


Ursus marijanus
For me, I had an eating disorder for a long time, so the tiniest prompting in my mouth would make me gag. My brain was just programmed that way. So the dentist was a nightmare. They started giving me Nitrous Oxide...ya. That is just hilarious. I *cannot* stop laughing. And the entire fucking time I am sitting there thinking "Oh. My. God. Shut the fuck up. Just stop laughing. STOP IT. Stop laughing. This is not funny. There is nothing funny happening." And what's worse is, the dentist and assistant usually start cracking up too, because apparently this kind of reaction to such a low dose of Nitrous Oxide is only typical in children. (I'm telling you. Lightweight from hell.) So then I have all these shaky ass hands squirming in my laughing mouth. It's terrible lol. But now I just smoke before I go.
I only got nitrous once, and it wasn't enough. Dear dentist, if I can interpret your commands, let alone comply, we're still too close to conscious over here. cn


Well-Known Member
I only got nitrous once, and it wasn't enough. Dear dentist, if I can interpret your commands, let alone comply, we're still too close to conscious over here. cn
Oh it did nothing for me but calm me down and make me laugh. I still felt *everything*. I just couldn't stop laughing to articulate, and couldn't care enough to make much effort to stop any of it.