Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Staff member

Dont'cha hate it when that happens? In other news, I'm officially out of incense. Anyone got a good scent/brand they'd like to suggest?
patchouli or vanilla those are my fav go to scents, ever i wear em, i have them in incense, LOL


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I catch conservatively dressed, a high tax bracket older woman wearing Patchouli. I think that's their secret symbol to let people know they smoke the ganj.


Well-Known Member
Slo, we're the same age?!?!?

In other news...... I went to make myself a whiskey sour to sip while I do some Rosetta Stone, and discovered I was either out of whiskey sour mix, or my wife tossed it while cleaning the fridge the other day. I suspect the latter, as I would not allow myself to be out of stock. Not wanting to go out to the store, I tried to make one with this organic margarita mix in the fridge (heavy on the lime). I do not recommend this to anyone else finding themselves in these shoes. Go. Go to the store and get the right stuff. Shame.


Well-Known Member
I went to a vegetarian restaurant for the first time the other day and I gotta say the food was killer. They had some stone tofu mixed with something else in sweet chicken sauce and stored fried noodle with veggies, yummy!


Staff member
I went to a vegetarian restaurant for the first time the other day and I gotta say the food was killer. They had some stone tofu mixed with something else in sweet chicken sauce and stored fried noodle with veggies, yummy!
mmmm i had bbq tofu with couscous, steamed broccoli and bean sprouts like ate so much


Well-Known Member
I went to a vegetarian restaurant for the first time the other day and I gotta say the food was killer. They had some tofu mixed with something else in sweet chicken sauce and stored fried noodle with veggies, yummy!


Staff member
I went to a vegetarian restaurant for the first time the other day and I gotta say the food was killer. They had some tofu mixed with something else in sweet chicken sauce and stored fried noodle with veggies, yummy!
so nice you had to post twice? ;)