Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Trolling I think I know why you can't leave, it's cause you started this thread and you feel that we need you to carry on jibber jabber, well I hate to tell you I can jibber jabber without you :D


New Member
Shut up band wagon.

You know you're not as popular as you think, but you keep hope.

I'm right, ain't I?

I'm in your head, now....giggles...keep hope tho.


Well-Known Member
Shut up band wagon.

You know you're not as popular as you think, but you keep hope.

I'm right, ain't I?

I'm in your head, now....giggles...keep hope tho.
When did I ever say I was popular?

I guess I didn't realize this was a popularity contest, my bad trolling.

Oh but I can promise you one thing, I'm like well more then you.

Weren't you supposed to be leaving and moving out of your moms house? OH wait that was just in your dreams, you couldn't ever leave your moms tit so you just thought it'd be more fun to a leech.

Have a great evening trolling, I'll pray for you :D

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
When did I ever say I was popular?

I guess I didn't realize this was a popularity contest, my bad trolling.

Oh but I can promise you one thing, I'm like well more then you.

Weren't you supposed to be leaving and moving out of your moms house? OH wait that was just in your dreams, you couldn't ever leave your moms tit so you just thought it'd be more fun to a leech.

Have a great evening trolling, I'll pray for you :D
Reminded me of something. I had an ex stalker call me like a week ago. I had no idea who it was so I just picked up the phone. As soon as she told me who it was I was shocked. She said she 'found my number' again. I politely told her to lose it so she hung up on me. About 1 minute later I get a text with her blowing up and saying that 'she'll pray for me'. Seriously, don't waste your breath.


Well-Known Member
Haha dude I'm the farthest thing from a wigger. You make me laugh dude. You think your getting to me but honestly your making me laugh.

You wanna know where I find disappointment ? I find it in your posts and your life. Living off your mom , that's true disappointment right there.

Really it's ok bro I don't hold your stupid against you, I have a slow cousin to. I fully understand.


Well-Known Member
Reminded me of something. I had an ex stalker call me like a week ago. I had no idea who it was so I just picked up the phone. As soon as she told me who it was I was shocked. She said she 'found my number' again. I politely told her to lose it so she hung up on me. About 1 minute later I get a text with her blowing up and saying that 'she'll pray for me'. Seriously, don't waste your breath.
LOL well I'm not a stalker I don't think. And I really not going to pray for trolling, he's beyond help so we just feed him when he comes.


Well-Known Member
Yes I'm so desperate for likes, I just want them so bad. Oh god they make me cum so hard.

Will you ask your mom to like me to please, I really need a release. Please trolling I'll let you watch.

Oh and correct my english, it really doesn't matter to me. When it comes down to it i can spell and do what is needed but this is the internet so there is no need.