Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Sector 5 Moderator
Oh, you can't imagine the retarded post I was about to come back with. Thankfully I caught myself. I am soooooo baked. ...and listening to the James Gang "Tend My Garden".


New Member
Oh, you can't imagine the retarded post I was about to come back with. Thankfully I caught myself. I am soooooo baked. ...and listening to the James Gang "Tend My Garden".
btw check out british ban called james they good too


Well-Known Member
I have five 33 gallon plastic tubs filled with pieces of vinyl in storage, I keep getting pieces of vinyl for free or buy like a stack of 50 at a garage sale for $1. I don't think I'll ever be able to listen to all of them, especially the one full of 45's lol.
Sorry, shameless Howard Stern reference.
Baba Booey to y'all.


Well-Known Member
fuck. FUCK! I have been eating very healthy but after a long night at the dog park and being really hungry at the grocery store on the way home I broke down and bought one of these

Sat down with a whiskey sour to catch up here and ate the whole GD bag!

Am I going to die?


New Member
fuck. Fuck! I have been eating very healthy but after a long night at the dog park and being really hungry at the grocery store on the way home i broke down and bought one of these

sat down with a whiskey sour to catch up here and ate the whole gd bag!

Am i going to die?
eat it
but will stick to fingers
email me bag them


Well-Known Member
So, I decided to throw up to get that shit out of my system. I was having a bit of a hard time getting it out as I vomit really hard and it hurts for days. I'm also one of those really loud vomiters, you know like screaming while it's coming out. So I stuck my finger down my throat. Nothing. I smelled my dog's ass. Nothing. I licked the toilet bowl. Nothing. I pooped and left it in the bowl, then stuck my face down near it. Nothing. WTF!?!?!?!? Then it hit me, I found a post by April so I could see her avatar. Didn't even make it to the bathroom. Projectile vomiting all over. The shit is fire engine red. My dog is trying to lick it up. I slipped in it on my way to the bathroom to get a towel. I'm now covered in bright red vomit. My wife comes down to check out all the commotion, she sees me and thinks I've cut an artery and bleeding out. She's screaming and calling 911. Her screaming has the dog running around, she slips in it, slides into my printer stand, knocking it over breaking the glass shelves and the printer. Now I'm laughing too hard to tell her what's really happened. She starts crying thinking I'm trying ot get out my last words.....

Fucking Cheetos. Never again, Chester, never again.


New Member
So, I decided to throw up to get that shit out of my system. I was having a bit of a hard time getting it out as I vomit really hard and it hurts for days. I'm also one of those really loud vomiters, you know like screaming while it's coming out. So I stuck my finger down my throat. Nothing. I smelled my dog's ass. Nothing. I licked the toilet bowl. Nothing. I pooped and left it in the bowl, then stuck my face down near it. Nothing. WTF!?!?!?!? Then it hit me, I found a post by April so I could see her avatar. Didn't even make it to the bathroom. Projectile vomiting all over. The shit is fire engine red. My dog is trying to lick it up. I slipped in it on my way to the bathroom to get a towel. I'm now covered in bright red vomit. My wife comes down to check out all the commotion, she sees me and thinks I've cut an artery and bleeding out. She's screaming and calling 911. Her screaming has the dog running around, she slips in it, slides into my printer stand, knocking it over breaking the glass shelves and the printer. Now I'm laughing too hard to tell her what's really happened. She starts crying thinking I'm trying ot get out my last words.....

Fucking Cheetos. Never again, Chester, never again.
pussy never admit to puking


Well-Known Member
It's not often I get to dust off my Germanic side , it was fun.
maybe I'll raid the fridge before i hit the bed.