Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Sector 5 Moderator
Let me guess you took the weed? LOL Your money or your weed hahahahaaaaaaaaa :) (sorry I am now blasted yet again this is gonna be rinse and repeat this summer me thinks).
Of course I took the weed!! He brought the bag in and it was over 1/2 oz! Down in Cali that might not be much but it's over $150 up here. My son gave me $40 for an eigth.

So I think this older woman at the grocery store was kind of coming onto me, she's a cashier, probably 10-15 years older than me, I see her pretty often whenever I go in there, maybe 2-3 times a week and each time I get the same kind of feeling. She's actually pretty attractive so I kind of try to flirt back and smile. She calls me 'mijo' and I find it cute as hell! I was buying my dad some beer so I set it up on the checkout and this is how the conversation went: Her: Oh I don't need to see your ID, I know you're 21 (cute smile) Me: oh, OK, I'm 25, but the beer is for my dad anyway (cute smirk attempt back) Her: aw just a baby (really cute smile), getting a pretty obvious vibe at this point.. She hands me the receipt and makes sure to touch my hand and smile again.

I've been getting this feeling for a few weeks, but I'm not sure what the best way would be to go about taking the next step, beyond the grocery store I have no idea what we could possibly have in common and that's not much of an interesting subject, also, she's closer to my moms age than mine, just putting that out there..

So hypothetically, if I wanted to land this chick in the bedroom, what do you think would be the best way to do it? I seem to already have an in, but how should I progress it further?
She's 35 - 40. She's obviously hitting on you and it's only for one reason and it's not because she wants to drink beer with you. She's wanting to get laid by a younger man. Just be bold with her; come out and say "Maam, would you like to milk my mule?" :) Well ok, maybe something a little more tactful since women "get" hints; men are mostly clueless. We're expecting a full after-action debrief.


New Member
She's 35 - 40. She's obviously hitting on you and it's only for one reason and it's not because she wants to drink beer with you. She's wanting to get laid by a younger man. Just be bold with her; come out and say "Maam, would you like to milk my mule?" :) Well ok, maybe something a little more tactful since women "get" hints; men are mostly clueless. We're expecting a full after-action debriefing.
i can suggest everyday least once twice a day go in her line and buy a case of extra large condoms
should impress her


Sector 5 Moderator
well tit for tat im sure she faking too
for all we know beardo faking and never even went to the store
he just dreamed it went down like that
But that wasn't Beardo; that was ...wait for it... ...wait for it...

PadiwanMasterbator. sorry, couldn't help my self; that's how I remember your nick.