Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I like to go into bars with those internet jukebox that you can pay extra and have whatever song you want played.
I like to play Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds-O'mallys Bar from the Album Murder Ballads.
It's a fifteen minute song about a guy shooting up a bar. You will find out who is listening to the jukebox.


Well-Known Member
Its not the slow ass drivers that drive down the road I live on that bothers me so much, nah if they are doing 35-45 Im ok with that. Its those stupid fucking people being all "cool" taking turns going 50-65 and veering into My lane that bothers me, Yeah gets under my skin SOOO much. I drive Faster and stay In my lane and control of my vehicle, if they dont know how to do that they need to slow the fuck down and learn to drive! We were almost hit head on this afternoon, one of those silver sports cars that I have tailed so many times down this road, always cutting in tight on turns behind them trying to show them how to stay in their Lanes for fucks sake, and still up their ass on the road as they nose into the turns in the other lane! 20 something came around in his sports car in My lane, if I hadnt slowed down enough we would have hit head on, and my old Metal truck would have crushed that car. I swear to god if my kids were hurt at all and this guy too... I would have saved his life to beat his ass for it later.