Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Virtually Unknown Member
except my mom just told me im the worst thing that ever came from her and she hopes i go and stab myself

so ill take someone giving me shit i can take that
the disrespect my mom gives me and tries to guilt trip me with on a daily fucking basis i cannot
respect is a two way street you dont respect me i will never respect you.

Sorry sunni, didn't know history with you and your mom

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
BAWHAHAHA no i moved out when i was 17 cause i was sick of this shit, but its still fucking on going
If you are paying her back for the Ebike I would just say no to anything I didn't want to do. You only owe her the money for the Ebike. Nothing else.


Staff member
If you are paying her back for the Ebike I would just say no to anything I didn't want to do. You only owe her the money for the Ebike. Nothing else.
i know it isnt even her money its her wifes money and her wife said no problem ill pay for it upfront its like 200$ its so measly but the day before it broke was rent day so i was pretty drained of funds except some money for food, look i love my moms wife i would do anything for her i would of course go to work tonight to help her, and i will go tonight, its my family i bend over backwards for anyone
it is HOW my mother spoke to me, is what pisses me off
she excepts to say anything to me and to get yes mam' no mam' kinda attitude back and thats not how i am i treat people how they treat me in the real world if youre a fucking bitch to me i will be abitch back, if you yell at me i will yell back thats how i am


Well-Known Member
i know it isnt even her money its her wifes money and her wife said no problem ill pay for it upfront its like 200$ its so measly but the day before it broke was rent day so i was pretty drained of funds except some money for food, look i love my moms wife i would do anything for her i would of course go to work tonight to help her, and i will go tonight, its my family i bend over backwards for anyone
it is HOW my mother spoke to me, is what pisses me off
she excepts to say anything to me and to get yes mam' no mam' kinda attitude back and thats not how i am i treat people how they treat me in the real world if youre a fucking bitch to me i will be abitch back, if you yell at me i will yell back thats how i am
My mom is the same way sometimes I want to record her so can she hear how she talks to me sometimes. I let it slide though she's in a hell of a predicament so I guess I can cut her some slack. Still don't like getting talked to that way though


Well-Known Member
except my mom just told me im the worst thing that ever came from her and she hopes i go and stab myself

so ill take someone giving me shit i can take that
the disrespect my mom gives me and tries to guilt trip me with on a daily fucking basis i cannot
respect is a two way street you dont respect me i will never respect you.
is she bipolar?


Ursus marijanus
"I'm still trying to figure out how I got my brain out of my skull, beat it on a rock and put it back in"
Ever take a Timex apart? Get to that moment where you try to tease out the mainspring and it uncoils with a PWAANNGG and belts the wall behind you after narrowly missing your eye? At that moment you learn what "committed" means. cn


Well-Known Member
Damnit my moms wedding reception is today... Guess that means ill have to dress up nice and fool people into thinking I'm a civilized human being for several hours.


Well-Known Member
Time to take Boston strong out traitor!

how is az treating you bud?
haha. Great man. I went shooting today, shot a .50 cal, a .40 cal, an ar-15 with .223 rounds and a few special order Israeli guns. When I make a video edit, I will throw up a video of me blowing shit up.