Random Jibber Jabber Thread











whelp doing insanity today....i feel ...scared shaun T is one crazy mother fucker

I had a crazy ass PT once when i played football. He could do a pull up, then do a ab crunch mid air then catch the bar on the way down. like full sets as if you were doing regular pull ups.

anyway all his training was similar to the whole insanity p-90x fad thingy. I hate to call it a fad because that shit really works.

Its all about moving non-stop

run 100 yards,

lunge 100 yards back,

bench press,



jumping boxes,

ab crunches,

run 100 yards with a 45lb plate

lunge back 100 yards while holding the 45lb plate out arms locked ,twisting your torso left and right in between each lung.

Do this as fast as you can"NO REST OR WATER" while some crazy man chases you down breaking your spirit.
Ive got my share of frustrations, but my health returned and I am loved.

Frustrations, I hear ya
Apparently the laundry mat has some unwritten, un posted rule against hanging out there and selectively approaching their customers to ask if they would like to sell their underwear instead of washing them.
You think they would be more appreciative but apparently not, it's not like it would affect their business because the people would still have a lot of other stuff to wash and it might even help business because it was a good deal for the customers, some people were grateful to get some extra money for their dirty drawers, oh well their loss
I didn't think you did but that's what getting geeked is so then I thought, hey maybe he shoots coke.

Oh shit, well I just use the term in reference to being high in general. Probably heard it from some coke head back in the day and just stole the term cuz I liked it.