Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Going to start my own areated tea today. First time doing it myself, last year a friend let me have some of his whenever I wanted.


Well-Known Member
some stuff just stays online forever...

here is an OLD ( say 1996ish) webpage I did

I stumbled across this about 8 years ago and wondered wth.. why is it still online do they never removed crap from their server..

(and the horrid page was done so intentionally to be as annoying and as useless as possible as was the rage back then.. )


Well-Known Member
some stuff just stays online forever...

here is an OLD ( say 1996ish) webpage I did

I stumbled across this about 8 years ago and wondered wth.. why is it still online do they never removed crap from their server..

(and the horrid page was done so intentionally to be as annoying and as useless as possible as was the rage back then.. )
Well Seinfeld going off the air WAS a black moment in time..YADA YADA..

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
I'm going fishing at the lake toady. Not my favorite location but got to do what I got to do for birthdays. Everybody have a great saturday! Here's one of my ladies looking all sexy.
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